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Xin quay trở lại sau. 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[ERROR] => lỗi [FEBRUARY] => Tháng 2 [FEBRUARY_SHORT] => 02 [FRI] => Thứ 6 [FRIDAY] => Thứ sáu [J1] => 1 [J10] => 10 [J100] => 100 [J15] => 15 [J2] => 2 [J20] => 20 [J25] => 25 [J3] => 3 [J30] => 30 [J4] => 4 [J5] => 5 [J50] => 50 [J6] => 6 [J7] => 7 [J8] => 8 [J9] => 9 [JACTION_ADMIN] => Cấu hình [JACTION_ADMIN_GLOBAL] => Tài khoản quản trị [JACTION_COMPONENT_SETTINGS] => Thiết lập Component [JACTION_CREATE] => Tạo [JACTION_DELETE] => Xóa [JACTION_EDIT] => Sửa [JACTION_EDITOWN] => Sửa riêng [JACTION_EDITSTATE] => Trạng thái sửa [JACTION_LOGIN_ADMIN] => Đăng nhập Quản trị [JACTION_LOGIN_SITE] => Đăng nhập trang web [JACTION_MANAGE] => Truy cập Component [JADMINISTRATOR] => Administrator [JALL] => Tất cả [JALL_LANGUAGE] => Tất cả [JANUARY] => Tháng 1 [JANUARY_SHORT] => 01 [JARCHIVED] => Lưu trữ [JAUTHOR] => Tác giả [JBROWSERTARGET_MODAL] => Dạng thức [JBROWSERTARGET_NEW] => Mở trong cửa sổ mới [JBROWSERTARGET_PARENT] => Mở trong cửa sổ hiện tại [JBROWSERTARGET_POPUP] => Mở trong cửa sổ nổi [JCANCEL] => Hủy [JCATEGORY] => Chuyên mục [JDATE] => Ngày [JDEFAULT] => Mặc định [JDETAILS] => Chi tiết [JDISABLED] => Tắt [JEDITOR] => Soạn thảo [JENABLED] => Bật [JERROR_ALERTNOAUTHOR] => Bạn không được phép xem thông tin này. [JERROR_ALERTNOTEMPLATE] => Giao diện này không hiển thị được nữa. Vui lòng liên hệ với ban quản trị trang web. [JERROR_AN_ERROR_HAS_OCCURRED] => Đã xảy ra lỗi. [JERROR_COULD_NOT_FIND_TEMPLATE] => [JERROR_ERROR] => Lỗi [JERROR_LAYOUT_AN_OUT_OF_DATE_BOOKMARK_FAVOURITE] => Một mục Đánh dấu/Ưa thích hết hạng [JERROR_LAYOUT_ERROR_HAS_OCCURRED_WHILE_PROCESSING_YOUR_REQUEST] => Đã xảy ra lỗi trong lúc xử lý yêu cầu. [JERROR_LAYOUT_GO_TO_THE_HOME_PAGE] => Chuyển đến Trang chủ [JERROR_LAYOUT_HOME_PAGE] => Trang chủ [JERROR_LAYOUT_MIS_TYPED_ADDRESS] => Một địa chỉ sai [JERROR_LAYOUT_NOT_ABLE_TO_VISIT] => Bạn không thể xem trang này bởi vì: [JERROR_LAYOUT_PAGE_NOT_FOUND] => Trang yêu cầu không được tìm thấy. [JERROR_LAYOUT_PLEASE_CONTACT_THE_SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR] => Nếu khó khăn vẫn còn, xin vui lòng liên hệ với Ban quản trị của trang web này và báo cáo các lỗi dưới đây. [JERROR_LAYOUT_PLEASE_TRY_ONE_OF_THE_FOLLOWING_PAGES] => Vui lòng thử một trong các trang sau: [JERROR_LAYOUT_REQUESTED_RESOURCE_WAS_NOT_FOUND] => Thông tin yêu cầu không được tìm thấy. [JERROR_LAYOUT_SEARCH] => Bạn có thể tìm kiếm các trang web hoặc truy cập vào Trang chủ. [JERROR_LAYOUT_SEARCH_ENGINE_OUT_OF_DATE_LISTING] => Chương trình tìm kiếm được một danh sách quá hạn của trang này [JERROR_LAYOUT_SEARCH_PAGE] => Tìm trong trang này [JERROR_LAYOUT_YOU_HAVE_NO_ACCESS_TO_THIS_PAGE] => Bạn không có quyền truy cập trang web này [JERROR_LOADING_MENUS] => [JERROR_LOGIN_DENIED] => Bạn không được phép truy cập vào khu vực riêng của trang web này. [JERROR_NOLOGIN_BLOCKED] => Đăng nhập bị từ chối! Tài khoản của bạn đã bị khóa hoặc bạn chưa kích hoạt nó. [JERROR_PARSING_LANGUAGE_FILE] =>  : error(s) in line(s) %s [JERROR_TABLE_BIND_FAILED] => à... %s ... [JERROR_USERS_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND] => Hồ sơ thành viên không được tìm thấy [JEXPIRED] => Expired [JFALSE] => Sai [JFEATURED] => Đặc biệt [JFIELD_ACCESS_DESC] => Cấp độ truy cập cho nội dung này [JFIELD_ACCESS_LABEL] => Truy cập [JFIELD_ALIAS_DESC] => Một tên khác sẽ được sử dụng trong chức năng tạo liên kết thân thiện (SEF URL). Hãy để trống và Joomla! sẽ tự động nhập thông tin mặc định từ tựa đề vào đây. Thông tin này phụ thuộc vào việc thiết lập SEO (Global Configuration->Site).
Sử dụng mã Unicode sẽ tạo ra tên khác mã UTF8. Bạn cũng có thể tự nhập bất cứ các ký tự mã utf8. Khoảng cách và các ký tự không hợp lệ sẽ được đổi thành dấu gạch ngang.
Khi sử dụng phiên dịch mặc định nó sẽ tạo ra một tên khác bằng chữ thường với các dấu gạch ngang thay vì khoảng cách. Bạn có thể tự nhập tên này. Sử dụng chữ thường và dấu gạch ngang (-). Không được phép có khảng cách và dấu gạch dưới. Giá trị mặc định sẽ là ngày và thời gian nếu tiêu đề không phải là các chữ cái Latin. [JFIELD_ALIAS_LABEL] => Tên khác [JFIELD_ALIAS_PLACEHOLDER] => [JFIELD_ALT_PAGE_TITLE_LABEL] => [JFIELD_CATEGORY_DESC] => Chọn Chuyên mục chứa bài viết này [JFIELD_LANGUAGE_DESC] => Chỉ định ngôn ngữ cho bài viết này. [JFIELD_LANGUAGE_LABEL] => Ngôn ngữ [JFIELD_META_DESCRIPTION_DESC] => Mô tả Siêu dữ liệu (MetaData description) [JFIELD_META_DESCRIPTION_LABEL] => Mô tả trang [JFIELD_META_KEYWORDS_DESC] => Từ khoá của bài viết, mỗi từ hoặc cụm từ khóa cách nhau bởi dấu phẩy. Các từ khóa này được hiển thị trên trang web và sử dụng để tạo các bài viết liên quan. [JFIELD_META_KEYWORDS_LABEL] => Các từ khóa [JFIELD_META_RIGHTS_DESC] => Mô tả những gì người khác có quyền sử dụng bài viết này. [JFIELD_META_RIGHTS_LABEL] => Quyền bài viết [JFIELD_ORDERING_DESC] => Thứ tự bài này trong Chuyên mục [JFIELD_ORDERING_LABEL] => Xếp thứ tự [JFIELD_PUBLISHED_DESC] => Thiết lập trạng thái đăng tin [JFIELD_TITLE_DESC] => Tiêu đề của bài viết [JGLOBAL_ARTICLES] => Bài viết [JGLOBAL_AUTH_ACCESS_DENIED] => Truy cập bị từ chối [JGLOBAL_AUTH_ACCESS_GRANTED] => Cấp truy cập [JGLOBAL_AUTH_BIND_FAILED] => Lỗi kết nối với máy chủ LDAP [JGLOBAL_AUTH_CANCEL] => Chứng thực bị hủy bỏ [JGLOBAL_AUTH_CURL_NOT_INSTALLED] => [JGLOBAL_AUTH_EMPTY_PASS_NOT_ALLOWED] => Không được phép để trống mật khẩu [JGLOBAL_AUTH_FAIL] => Lỗi xác thực [JGLOBAL_AUTH_FAILED] => Không thể xác thực: %s [JGLOBAL_AUTH_INCORRECT] => Sai tên thành viên/mật khẩu [JGLOBAL_AUTH_INVALID_PASS] => Sai mật khẩu [JGLOBAL_AUTH_INVALID_SECRETKEY] => [JGLOBAL_AUTH_NOT_CREATE_DIR] => Không thể tạo thư mục chứa tập tin (FileStore) %s. Vui lòng kiểm tra các khoản có hiệu lực. [JGLOBAL_AUTH_NO_BIND] => Không thể kết nối tới LDAP [JGLOBAL_AUTH_NO_CONNECT] => Không thể kết nối tới máy chủ LDAP [JGLOBAL_AUTH_NO_REDIRECT] => Không thể chuyển hướng đến máy chủ: %s [JGLOBAL_AUTH_NO_USER] => Thành viên không tồn tại [JGLOBAL_AUTH_PASS_BLANK] => Không để trống mật khẩu trong LDAP [JGLOBAL_AUTH_UNKNOWN_ACCESS_DENIED] => Kết quả không rõ. Truy cập bị từ chối. [JGLOBAL_AUTH_USER_BLACKLISTED] => Người dụng nằm trong Danh sách đen [JGLOBAL_AUTH_USER_NOT_FOUND] => Không tìm thấy thành viên [JGLOBAL_AUTO] => Tự động [JGLOBAL_CATEGORY_NOT_FOUND] => Không thấy Chuyên mục [JGLOBAL_CENTER] => Căn giữa [JGLOBAL_CLICK_TO_SORT_THIS_COLUMN] => Nhấn để xếp theo cột này [JGLOBAL_CREATED_DATE_ON] => Được viết ngày %s [JGLOBAL_DESCRIPTION] => Nội dung [JGLOBAL_DISPLAY_NUM] => Hiển thị # [JGLOBAL_EDIT] => Sửa [JGLOBAL_EMAIL] => Gửi Email bài này [JGLOBAL_FIELD_CREATED_BY_ALIAS_DESC] => Sử dụng một tên tác giả khác của bài viết để hiển thị [JGLOBAL_FIELD_CREATED_BY_ALIAS_LABEL] => Tác giả khác [JGLOBAL_FIELD_FEATURED_DESC] => Chỉ định bài viết này là Nổi bật. Các bài viết nổi bật có thể được chọn để hiển thị riêng trên trang Chủ. [JGLOBAL_FIELD_FEATURED_LABEL] => Nổi bật [JGLOBAL_FIELD_PUBLISH_DOWN_DESC] => Chọn ngày kết thúc đăng bài, giữ nguyên mặc định nếu không muốn sử dụng chức năng này. [JGLOBAL_FIELD_PUBLISH_DOWN_LABEL] => Kết thúc đăng [JGLOBAL_FIELD_PUBLISH_UP_DESC] => Chọn ngày bắt đầu đăng bài, giữ nguyên mặc định nếu không muốn sử dụng chức năng này [JGLOBAL_FIELD_PUBLISH_UP_LABEL] => Bắt đầu đăng [JGLOBAL_FIELD_VERSION_NOTE_DESC] => [JGLOBAL_FIELD_VERSION_NOTE_LABEL] => [JGLOBAL_FILTER_BUTTON] => Chọn [JGLOBAL_FILTER_LABEL] => Chọn [JGLOBAL_FULL_TEXT] => Toàn văn [JGLOBAL_GT] => > [JGLOBAL_HELPREFRESH_BUTTON] => [JGLOBAL_HITS] => Lượt xem [JGLOBAL_HITS_COUNT] => Lượt xem: %s [JGLOBAL_ICON_SEP] => | [JGLOBAL_INHERIT] => Kế thừa [JGLOBAL_INTRO_TEXT] => Dòng giới thiệu [JGLOBAL_KEEP_TYPING] => [JGLOBAL_LEFT] => Trái [JGLOBAL_LOOKING_FOR] => [JGLOBAL_LT] => < [JGLOBAL_NEWITEMSLAST_DESC] => Mục mới mặc định sẽ nằm cuối. Thứ tự này có thể được thay đổi sau khi được lưu. [JGLOBAL_NUM] => # [JGLOBAL_OTPMETHOD_NONE] => Disable Two Factor Authentication [JGLOBAL_PASSWORD] => Mật khẩu [JGLOBAL_PASSWORD_RESET_REQUIRED] => You are required to reset your password before proceeding. [JGLOBAL_PRINT] => In bài này [JGLOBAL_RECORD_NUMBER] => Ghi ID: %d [JGLOBAL_REMEMBER_ME] => Ghi nhớ [JGLOBAL_REMEMBER_MUST_LOGIN] => [JGLOBAL_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND] => Không tìm thấy thông tin [JGLOBAL_RIGHT] => Phải [JGLOBAL_ROOT] => Root [JGLOBAL_SECRETKEY] => [JGLOBAL_SECRETKEY_HELP] => [JGLOBAL_SELECT_AN_OPTION] => [JGLOBAL_SELECT_NO_RESULTS_MATCH] => Không tìm thấy kết quả phù hợp [JGLOBAL_SELECT_SOME_OPTIONS] => [JGLOBAL_START_PUBLISH_AFTER_FINISH] => Ngày bắt đầu đăng phải trước ngày kết thúc đăng [JGLOBAL_SUBCATEGORIES] => Chuyên mục phụ [JGLOBAL_SUBHEADING_DESC] => [JGLOBAL_TITLE] => Tiêu đề [JGLOBAL_USERNAME] => Tên đăng nhập [JGLOBAL_USE_GLOBAL] => Sử dụng thiết lập chung [JGLOBAL_VALIDATION_FORM_FAILED] => Biểu mẫu không hợp lệ [JGLOBAL_YOU_MUST_LOGIN_FIRST] => Vui lòng đăng nhập trước [JGRID_HEADING_ACCESS] => Truy cập [JGRID_HEADING_ID] => ID [JGRID_HEADING_LANGUAGE] => Ngôn ngữ [JHIDE] => Ẩn [JINVALID_TOKEN] => Mã thông báo không hợp lệ [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_ADAPTER_MYSQL] => The MySQL adapter 'mysql' is not available. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_ADAPTER_MYSQLI] => The MySQL adapter 'mysqli' is not available. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_CONNECT_DATABASE] => Unable to connect to the Database: %s [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_CONNECT_MYSQL] => Could not connect to MySQL. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_DATABASE_CONNECT] => Could not connect to database [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_LOAD_DATABASE_DRIVER] => Unable to load Database Driver: %s [JLIB_ERROR_INFINITE_LOOP] => Infinite loop detected in JError [JLOGIN] => Đăng nhập [JLOGOUT] => Thoát [JNEW] => Mới [JNEXT] => Trang sau [JNO] => Không [JNONE] => Không [JNOTICE] => [JNOTPUBLISHEDYET] => Not published yet [JOFF] => tắt [JOFFLINE_MESSAGE] => Trang web này đang được tạm ngưng để bảo trì.
Vui lòng quay trở lại sau. [JON] => Bật [JOPTIONS] => Tùy chọn [JOPTION_SELECT_ACCESS] => - Chọn truy cập - [JOPTION_SELECT_CATEGORY] => - Chọn chuyên mục - [JOPTION_SELECT_LANGUAGE] => - Chọn ngôn ngữ - [JOPTION_SELECT_PUBLISHED] => - Chọn trạng thái - [JOPTION_USE_DEFAULT] => - Dùng mặc định - [JPAGETITLE] => %1$s - %2$s [JPREV] => Trang trước [JPREVIOUS] => Trang trước [JPUBLISHED] => Đã đăng [JREGISTER] => Đăng ký [JREQUIRED] => Bắt buộc [JSAVE] => Lưu [JSEARCH_FILTER_CLEAR] => Xóa [JSEARCH_FILTER_LABEL] => Chọn lọc [JSEARCH_FILTER_SUBMIT] => Tìm kiếm [JSHOW] => Hiện [JSITE] => Trang [JSTATUS] => Trạng thái [JSUBMIT] => Chấp nhận [JTAG] => [JTAG_DESC] => [JTOOLBAR_VERSIONS] => [JTRASH] => Thùng rác [JTRASHED] => Chuyển vào thùng rác [JTRUE] => Thật [JULY] => Tháng 7 [JULY_SHORT] => 07 [JUNE] => Tháng 6 [JUNE_SHORT] => 06 [JUNPUBLISHED] => Chưa đăng [JYEAR] => Năm [JYES] => Có [MARCH] => Tháng 3 [MARCH_SHORT] => 03 [MAY] => Tháng 5 [MAY_SHORT] => 05 [MESSAGE] => Thông tin [MON] => Thứ 2 [MONDAY] => Thứ hai [MYSQL] => [MYSQLI] => [NOTICE] => Lưu ý [NOVEMBER] => Tháng 11 [NOVEMBER_SHORT] => 11 [OCTOBER] => Tháng 10 [OCTOBER_SHORT] => 10 [ORACLE] => [PHPMAILER_AUTHENTICATE] => Lỗi SMTP! Không thể xác thực. [PHPMAILER_CONNECT_HOST] => Lỗi SMTP! Không thể kết nối với máy chủ SMTP. [PHPMAILER_DATA_NOT_ACCEPTED] => Lỗi SMTP! Dữ liệu không được chấp nhận. [PHPMAILER_EMPTY_MESSAGE] => Tin nhắn không có nội dung [PHPMAILER_ENCODING] => Không xác định được Mã hóa: [PHPMAILER_EXECUTE] => Không thể thực hiện: [PHPMAILER_FILE_ACCESS] => Không thể truy cập tập tin: [PHPMAILER_FILE_OPEN] => Lỗi tập tin: Không thể mở tập tin: [PHPMAILER_FROM_FAILED] => Các địa chỉ sau đây bị lỗi: [PHPMAILER_INSTANTIATE] => Không thể khởi tạo chúc năng Mail. [PHPMAILER_INVALID_ADDRESS] => Địa chỉ không hợp lệ [PHPMAILER_MAILER_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED] => Chương trình gửi Email không được hỗ trợ. [PHPMAILER_PROVIDE_ADDRESS] => Bạn phải cung cấp ít nhất một địa chỉ email người nhận. [PHPMAILER_RECIPIENTS_FAILED] => Lỗi SMTP! Các người nhận sau đây bị lỗi: [PHPMAILER_SIGNING_ERROR] => Lỗi đăng nhập: [PHPMAILER_SMTP_CONNECT_FAILED] => Lỗi kết nối SMTP [PHPMAILER_SMTP_ERROR] => Lỗi máy chủ SMTP: [PHPMAILER_TLS] => Không thể khởi động TLS [PHPMAILER_VARIABLE_SET] => Không thể thiết lập hoặc thiết lập lại thông số: [POSTGRESQL] => [SAT] => thứ 7 [SATURDAY] => Thứ bảy [SEPTEMBER] => Tháng 9 [SEPTEMBER_SHORT] => 09 [SQLAZURE] => [SQLITE] => [SQLSRV] => [SUN] => Chủ nhật [SUNDAY] => Chủ nhật [THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR] => , [THU] => Thứ 5 [THURSDAY] => Thứ năm [TUE] => Thứ 3 [TUESDAY] => Thứ ba [WARNING] => Cảnh báo [WED] => Thứ 4 [WEDNESDAY] => Thứ tư [PLG_CREATIVECONTACTFORM] => Creative Contact Form [PLG_CREATIVECONTACTFORM_DESCRIPTION] => [PLG_CREATIVECONTACTFORM_NAME] => Creative Contact Form [PLG_SYSTEM_LOGOUT] => System - Logout [PLG_SYSTEM_LOGOUT_REDIRECT] => You have been redirected to the home page following logout [PLG_SYSTEM_LOGOUT_XML_DESCRIPTION] => The system logout plug-in enables Joomla to redirect the user to the home page if he chooses to logout while he is on a protected access page. [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_ACCESS_FORBIDDEN] => Access forbidden [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_APPLICATION_GET_NAME] => JApplication: :getName() : Can't get or parse class name. [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_APPLICATION_LOAD] => Unable to load application: %s [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_BATCH_CANNOT_CREATE] => You are not allowed to create new items in this category. [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_BATCH_CANNOT_EDIT] => You are not allowed to edit one or more of these items. [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_BATCH_FAILED] => Batch process failed with following error: %s [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_BATCH_MOVE_CATEGORY_NOT_FOUND] => Cannot find the destination category for this move. [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_BATCH_MOVE_ROW_NOT_FOUND] => Cannot find the item being moved. [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_CHECKIN_FAILED] => Check-in failed with the following error: %s [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_CHECKIN_NOT_CHECKED] => Item is not checked out [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_CHECKIN_USER_MISMATCH] => The user checking in does not match the user who checked out the item. [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_CHECKOUT_FAILED] => Check-out failed with the following error: %s [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_CHECKOUT_USER_MISMATCH] => The user checking out does not match the user who checked out the item. [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND] => Component not found [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_COMPONENT_NOT_LOADING] => Error loading component: %1$s, %2$s [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_CONTROLLER_GET_NAME] => JController: :getName() : Cannot get or parse class name. [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_CREATE_RECORD_NOT_PERMITTED] => Create record not permitted [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_DELETE_NOT_PERMITTED] => Delete not permitted [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_EDITSTATE_NOT_PERMITTED] => Edit state is not permitted [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_EDIT_ITEM_NOT_PERMITTED] => Edit is not permitted [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_EDIT_NOT_PERMITTED] => Edit not permitted [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_HISTORY_ID_MISMATCH] => Error restoring item version from history. [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BATCH_INFORMATION] => Insufficient information to perform the batch operation [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_INVALID_CONTROLLER] => Invalid controller: name='%s', format='%s' [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_INVALID_CONTROLLER_CLASS] => Invalid controller class: %s [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_LAYOUTFILE_NOT_FOUND] => Layout %s not found [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_LIBRARY_NOT_FOUND] => Library not found [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_LIBRARY_NOT_LOADING] => Error loading library: %1$s, %2$s [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_MODELCLASS_NOT_FOUND] => Model class %s not found in file [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_MODEL_GET_NAME] => JModel: :getName() : Can't get or parse class name. [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_MODULE_LOAD] => Error loading module %s [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_PATHWAY_LOAD] => Unable to load pathway: %s [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_REORDER_FAILED] => Reorder failed. Error: %s [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_ROUTER_LOAD] => Unable to load router: %s [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_SAVE_FAILED] => Save failed with the following error: %s [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_SAVE_NOT_PERMITTED] => Save not permitted [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_TABLE_NAME_NOT_SUPPORTED] => Table %s not supported. File not found. [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_TASK_NOT_FOUND] => Task [%s] not found [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_UNHELD_ID] => You are not permitted to use that link to directly access that page (#%d). [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_VIEW_CLASS_NOT_FOUND] => View class not found [class, file]: %1$s, %2$s [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_VIEW_GET_NAME] => JView: :getName() : Cannot get or parse class name. [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_VIEW_GET_NAME_SUBSTRING] => JView: :getName() : Your classname contains the substring 'view'. This causes problems when extracting the classname from the name of your objects view. Avoid Object names with the substring 'view'. [JLIB_APPLICATION_ERROR_VIEW_NOT_FOUND] => View not found [name, type, prefix]: %1$s, %2$s, %3$s [JLIB_APPLICATION_SAVE_SUCCESS] => Item successfully saved. [JLIB_APPLICATION_SUBMIT_SAVE_SUCCESS] => Item successfully submitted. [JLIB_APPLICATION_SUCCESS_BATCH] => Batch process completed successfully. [JLIB_APPLICATION_SUCCESS_ITEM_REORDERED] => Ordering successfully saved. [JLIB_APPLICATION_SUCCESS_LOAD_HISTORY] => Prior version successfully restored. Saved on %s %s. [JLIB_APPLICATION_SUCCESS_ORDERING_SAVED] => Ordering successfully saved. [JLIB_CACHE_ERROR_CACHE_HANDLER_LOAD] => Unable to load Cache Handler: %s [JLIB_CACHE_ERROR_CACHE_STORAGE_LOAD] => Unable to load Cache Storage: %s [JLIB_CAPTCHA_ERROR_PLUGIN_NOT_FOUND] => Captcha plugin not set or not found. Please contact a site administrator [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_HELPER_SETCREDENTIALSFROMREQUEST_FAILED] => Looks like User's credentials are no good... [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_BAD_PASSWORD] => JFTP: :login: Bad Password. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 230]. Password sent: %2$s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :connect: Bad response. Server response: %s [Expected: 220] [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_BAD_USERNAME] => JFTP: :login: Bad Username. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 331]. Username sent: %2$s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_CHDIR_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :chdir: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 250]. Path sent: %2$s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_CHDIR_BAD_RESPONSE_NATIVE] => JFTP: :chdir: Bad response [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_CHMOD_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :chmod: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 250]. Path sent: %2$s. Mode sent: %3$s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_CHMOD_BAD_RESPONSE_NATIVE] => JFTP: :chmod: Bad response [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_CREATE_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :create: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 150 or 125]. Path sent: %2$s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_CREATE_BAD_RESPONSE_BUFFER] => JFTP: :create: Bad response [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_CREATE_BAD_RESPONSE_PASSIVE] => JFTP: :create: Unable to use passive mode [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_CREATE_BAD_RESPONSE_TRANSFER] => JFTP: :create: Transfer Failed. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 226]. Path sent: %2$s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_DELETE_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :delete: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 250]. Path sent: %2$s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_DELETE_BAD_RESPONSE_NATIVE] => JFTP: :delete: Bad response [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_GET_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :get: Bad response [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_GET_BAD_RESPONSE_RETR] => JFTP: :get: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 150 or 125]. Path sent: %2$s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_GET_BAD_RESPONSE_TRANSFER] => JFTP: :get: Transfer Failed. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 226]. Path sent: %2$s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_GET_PASSIVE] => JFTP: :get: Unable to use passive mode [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_GET_WRITING_LOCAL] => JFTP: :get: Unable to open local file for writing. Local path: %s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_LISTDETAILS_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :listDetails: Bad response [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_LISTDETAILS_BAD_RESPONSE_LIST] => JFTP: :listDetails: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 150 or 125]. Path sent: %2$s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_LISTDETAILS_BAD_RESPONSE_TRANSFER] => JFTP: :listDetails: Transfer Failed. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 226]. Path sent: %2$s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_LISTDETAILS_PASSIVE] => JFTP: :listDetails: Unable to use passive mode [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_LISTDETAILS_UNRECOGNISED] => JFTP: :listDetails: Unrecognised directory listing format [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_LISTNAMES_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :listNames: Bad response [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_LISTNAMES_BAD_RESPONSE_NLST] => JFTP: :listNames: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 150 or 125]. Path sent: %2$s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_LISTNAMES_BAD_RESPONSE_TRANSFER] => JFTP: :listNames: Transfer Failed. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 226]. Path sent: %2$s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_LISTNAMES_PASSIVE] => JFTP: :listNames: Unable to use passive mode [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_MKDIR_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :mkdir: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 257]. Path sent: %2$s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_MKDIR_BAD_RESPONSE_NATIVE] => JFTP: :mkdir: Bad response [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_MODE_ASCII] => JFTP: :_mode: Bad response. Server response: %s [Expected: 200]. Mode sent: Ascii [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_MODE_BINARY] => JFTP: :_mode: Bad response. Server response: %s [Expected: 200]. Mode sent: Binary [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_NO_CONNECT] => JFTP: :connect: Could not connect to host ' %1$s ' on port ' %2$s ' [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_NO_CONNECT_SOCKET] => JFTP: :connect: Could not connect to host ' %1$s ' on port ' %2$s '. Socket error number: %3$s and error message: %4$s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_PASSIVE_CONNECT] => JFTP: :_passive: Could not connect to host %1$s on port %2$s. Socket error number: %3$s and error message: %4$s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_PASSIVE_CONNECT_PORT] => JFTP: :_passive: Not connected to the control port [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_PASSIVE_IP_OBTAIN] => JFTP: :_passive: Unable to obtain IP and port for data transfer. Server response: %s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_PASSIVE_IP_VALID] => JFTP: :_passive: IP and port for data transfer not valid. Server response: %s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_PASSIVE_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :_passive: Timeout or unrecognised response while waiting for a response from the server. Server response: %s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_PUTCMD_SEND] => JFTP: :_putCmd: Unable to send command: %s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_PUTCMD_UNCONNECTED] => JFTP: :_putCmd: Not connected to the control port [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_PWD_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :pwd: Bad response. Server response: %s [Expected: 257] [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_PWD_BAD_RESPONSE_NATIVE] => FTP: :pwd: Bad response [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_READ_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :read: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 150 or 125]. Path sent: %2$s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_READ_BAD_RESPONSE_BUFFER] => JFTP: :read: Bad response [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_READ_BAD_RESPONSE_PASSIVE] => JFTP: :read: Unable to use passive mode [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_READ_BAD_RESPONSE_TRANSFER] => JFTP: :read: Transfer Failed. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 226]. Path sent: %2$s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_REINIT_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :reinit: Bad response. Server response: %s [Expected: 220] [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_REINIT_BAD_RESPONSE_NATIVE] => JFTP: :reinit: Bad response [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_RENAME_BAD_RESPONSE_FROM] => JFTP: :rename: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 350]. From path sent: %2$s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_RENAME_BAD_RESPONSE_NATIVE] => JFTP: :rename: Bad response [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_RENAME_BAD_RESPONSE_TO] => JFTP: :rename: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 250]. To path sent: %2$s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_RESTART_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :restart: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 350]. Restart point sent: %2$s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_RESTART_BAD_RESPONSE_NATIVE] => JFTP: :restart: Bad response [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_STORE_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :store: Bad response [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_STORE_BAD_RESPONSE_STOR] => JFTP: :store: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 150 or 125]. Path sent: %2$s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_STORE_BAD_RESPONSE_TRANSFER] => JFTP: :store: Transfer Failed. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 226]. Path sent: %2$s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_STORE_DATA_PORT] => JFTP: :store: Unable to write to data port socket [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_STORE_FIND_LOCAL] => JFTP: :store: Unable to find local file. Local path: %s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_STORE_PASSIVE] => JFTP: :store: Unable to use passive mode [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_STORE_READING_LOCAL] => JFTP: :store: Unable to open local file for reading. Local path: %s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_SYST_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :syst: Bad response. Server response: %s [Expected: 215] [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_SYST_BAD_RESPONSE_NATIVE] => JFTP: :syst: Bad response [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_VERIFYRESPONSE] => JFTP: :_verifyResponse: Timeout or unrecognised response while waiting for a response from the server. Server response: %s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_WRITE_BAD_RESPONSE] => JFTP: :write: Bad response [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_WRITE_BAD_RESPONSE_STOR] => JFTP: :write: Bad response. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 150 or 125]. Path sent: %2$s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_WRITE_BAD_RESPONSE_TRANSFER] => JFTP: :write: Transfer Failed. Server response: %1$s [Expected: 226]. Path sent: %2$s [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_WRITE_DATA_PORT] => JFTP: :write: Unable to write to data port socket [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_JFTP_WRITE_PASSIVE] => JFTP: :write: Unable to use passive mode [JLIB_CLIENT_ERROR_LDAP_ADDRESS_NOT_AVAILABLE] => Address not available. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_ARTICLE_UNIQUE_ALIAS] => Another article from this category has the same alias [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_BIND_FAILED_INVALID_SOURCE_ARGUMENT] => %s: :bind failed. Invalid source argument. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_CATEGORY_UNIQUE_ALIAS] => Another category with the same parent category has the same alias [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_CHECKIN_FAILED] => %s: :check-in failed - %s [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_CHECKOUT_FAILED] => %s: :check-out failed - %s [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_CHECK_FAILED] => %s: :check Failed - %s [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_CHILD_ROWS_CHECKED_OUT] => Child rows checked out. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_CLASS_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_ORDERING] => %s does not support ordering. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_CLASS_IS_MISSING_FIELD] => Missing field in the database: %s   %s. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_CLASS_NOT_FOUND_IN_FILE] => Table class %s not found in file. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_DELETE_CATEGORY] => Left-Right data inconsistency. Cannot delete category. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_DELETE_FAILED] => %s: :delete failed - %s [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_DELETE_ROOT_CATEGORIES] => Root categories cannot be deleted. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_EMAIL_INUSE] => This email is already registered. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_EMPTY_ROW_RETURNED] => The database row is empty. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_FUNCTION_FAILED] => DB function failed with error number %s
%s [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_GETNODE_FAILED] => %s: :_getNode Failed - %s [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_GETROOTID_FAILED] => %s: :getRootId Failed - %s [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_GET_NEXT_ORDER_FAILED] => %s: :getNextOrder failed - %s [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_GET_TREE_FAILED] => %s: :getTree Failed - %s [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_HIT_FAILED] => %s: :hit failed - %s [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_INVALID_LOCATION] => %s: :setLocation - Invalid location [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_INVALID_NODE_RECURSION] => %s: :move Failed - Cannot move the node to be a child of itself [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_INVALID_PARENT_ID] => Invalid parent ID. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_LANGUAGE_NO_TITLE] => The language should have a title [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_LANGUAGE_UNIQUE_IMAGE] => A content language already exists with this Image Prefix [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_LANGUAGE_UNIQUE_LANG_CODE] => A content language already exists with this Language Tag [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_LANGUAGE_UNIQUE_SEF] => A content language already exists with this URL Language Code [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_MENUTYPE] => Some menu items or some menu modules related to this menutype are checked out by another user or the default menu item is in this menu [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_MENUTYPE_CHECKOUT] => The user checking out does not match the user who checked out this menu and/or its linked menu module. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_MENUTYPE_EMPTY] => Menu type empty [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_MENUTYPE_EXISTS] => Menu type exists: %s [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_MENU_CANNOT_UNSET_DEFAULT] => The Language parameter for this menu item must be set to 'All'. At least one Default menu item must have Language set to All, even if the site is multilingual. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_MENU_CANNOT_UNSET_DEFAULT_DEFAULT] => At least one menu item has to be set as Default. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_MENU_DEFAULT_CHECKIN_USER_MISMATCH] => The current home menu for this language is checked out [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_MENU_HOME_NOT_COMPONENT] => The home menu item must be a component. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_MENU_HOME_NOT_UNIQUE_IN_MENU] => A menu should contain only one Default home. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_MENU_ROOT_ALIAS_COMPONENT] => A first level menu item alias cannot be 'component'. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_MENU_ROOT_ALIAS_FOLDER] => A first level menu item alias cannot be '%s' because '%s' is a sub-folder of your joomla installation folder. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_MENU_UNIQUE_ALIAS] => Another menu item with the same parent has this alias [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_MENU_UNIQUE_ALIAS_ROOT] => Another menu item has the same alias in Root. Root is the top level parent [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_MENU_UNPUBLISH_DEFAULT_HOME] => Cannot unpublish default home [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_MOVE_FAILED] => %s: :move failed - %s [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_MUSTCONTAIN_A_TITLE_CATEGORY] => Category must have a title [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_MUSTCONTAIN_A_TITLE_EXTENSION] => Extension must have a title [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_MUSTCONTAIN_A_TITLE_MODULE] => Module must have a title [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_NEGATIVE_NOT_PERMITTED] => %s cannot be negative [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED_FILE_NOT_FOUND] => Table %s not supported. File not found. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_NO_ROWS_SELECTED] => No rows selected. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_NULL_PRIMARY_KEY] => Null primary key not allowed. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_ORDERDOWN_FAILED] => %s: :orderDown Failed - %s [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_ORDERUP_FAILED] => %s: :orderUp Failed - %s [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_PLEASE_ENTER_A_USER_NAME] => Please enter a username. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_PLEASE_ENTER_YOUR_NAME] => Please enter your name. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_PUBLISH_FAILED] => %s: :publish failed - %s [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_REBUILDPATH_FAILED] => %s: :rebuildPath Failed - %s [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_REBUILD_FAILED] => %s: :rebuild Failed - %s [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_REORDER_FAILED] => %s: :reorder failed - %s [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_REORDER_UPDATE_ROW_FAILED] => %s: :reorder update the row %s failed - %s [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_ROOT_NODE_NOT_FOUND] => Root node not found. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_STORE_FAILED] => %1$s: :store failed
%2$s [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_STORE_FAILED_UPDATE_ASSET_ID] => The asset_id field could not be updated [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_USERGROUP_TITLE] => Usergroup must have a title [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_USERGROUP_TITLE_EXISTS] => Usergroup title already exists. Title must be unique with the same parent. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_USERNAME_CANNOT_CHANGE] => Cannot use this username [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_USERNAME_INUSE] => Username in use [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_VALID_AZ09] => Please enter a valid username. No space at beginning or end, at least %d characters and must not contain the following characters: < > \ " ' % ; ( ) & [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_VALID_MAIL] => Please enter a valid email address. [JLIB_DATABASE_ERROR_VIEWLEVEL] => Viewlevel must have a title [JLIB_DATABASE_FUNCTION_NOERROR] => DB function reports no errors [JLIB_DATABASE_QUERY_FAILED] => Database query failed (error # %s): %s [JLIB_DOCUMENT_ERROR_UNABLE_LOAD_DOC_CLASS] => Unable to load document class [JLIB_ENVIRONMENT_SESSION_EXPIRED] => Your session has expired. Please log in again. [JLIB_EVENT_ERROR_DISPATCHER] => JEventDispatcher: :register: Event handler not recognised. Handler: %s [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_BZIP_NOT_SUPPORTED] => BZip2 Not Supported [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_BZIP_UNABLE_TO_READ] => Unable to read archive (bz2) [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_BZIP_UNABLE_TO_WRITE] => Unable to write archive (bz2) [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_BZIP_UNABLE_TO_WRITE_FILE] => Unable to write file (bz2) [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_CANNOT_FIND_SOURCE_FILE] => Cannot find source file [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_DELETE_FAILED] => Failed deleting %s [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_COPY_FAILED] => Copy failed [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_COULD_NOT_CREATE_DIRECTORY] => Could not create directory [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_DELETE_BASE_DIRECTORY] => You can't delete a base directory. [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_FIND_SOURCE_FOLDER] => Cannot find source folder [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_FOLDER_CREATE] => Unable to create target folder [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_FOLDER_DELETE] => JFolder: :delete: Could not delete folder. Path: %s [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_FOLDER_EXISTS] => Folder already exists [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_FOLDER_LOOP] => Infinite loop detected [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_FOLDER_OPEN] => Unable to open source folder [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_FOLDER_PATH] => Path not in open_basedir paths [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_FOLDER_RENAME] => Rename failed: %s [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_JFILE_FIND_COPY] => JFile: :copy: Cannot find or read file: $%s [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_JFILE_MOVE_STREAMS] => JFile: :move: %s [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_JFILE_STREAMS] => JFile: :copy(%1$s, %2$s): %3$s [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_NO_DATA_WRITTEN] => Warning: No data written [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_PATH_IS_NOT_A_FOLDER] => JFolder: :delete: Path is not a folder. Path: %s [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_PATH_IS_NOT_A_FOLDER_FILES] => JFolder: :files: Path is not a folder. Path: %s [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_PATH_IS_NOT_A_FOLDER_FOLDER] => JFolder: :folder: Path is not a folder. Path: %s [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_READ_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_FILE] => JFile: :read: Unable to open file: %s [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_RENAME_FILE] => Rename failed [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_STREAMS_FAILED_TO_OPEN_READER] => Failed to open reader: %s [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_STREAMS_FAILED_TO_OPEN_WRITER] => Failed to open writer: %s [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_STREAMS_FILENAME] => Filename not set [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_STREAMS_FILE_NOT_OPEN] => File not open [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_STREAMS_FILE_SIZE] => Failed to get file size. This may not work for all streams! [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_STREAMS_NOT_UPLOADED_FILE] => Not an uploaded file! [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_UPLOAD] => JFile: :upload: %s [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_WARNFS_ERR01] => Warning: Failed to change file permissions! [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_WARNFS_ERR02] => Warning: Failed to move file! [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ERROR_WRITE_STREAMS] => JFile: :write(%1$s): %2$s [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_GZIP_NOT_SUPPORTED] => GZlib Not Supported [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_GZIP_UNABLE_TO_DECOMPRESS] => Unable to decompress data [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_GZIP_UNABLE_TO_READ] => Unable to read archive (gz) [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_GZIP_UNABLE_TO_WRITE] => Unable to write archive (gz) [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_GZIP_UNABLE_TO_WRITE_FILE] => Unable to write file (gz) [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_STREAM_FAILED] => Failed to register string stream [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_TAR_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_DESTINATION] => Unable to create destination [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_TAR_UNABLE_TO_DECOMPRESS] => Unable to decompress data [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_TAR_UNABLE_TO_READ] => Unable to read archive (tar) [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_TAR_UNABLE_TO_WRITE_ENTRY] => Unable to write entry [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_ARCHIVE] => Unable to load archive [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_UNKNOWNARCHIVETYPE] => Unknown Archive type [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ZIP_INFO_FAILED] => Get ZIP Information failed [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ZIP_INVALID_ZIP_DATA] => Invalid ZIP data [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ZIP_NOT_SUPPORTED] => Zlib Not Supported [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ZIP_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_DESTINATION] => Unable to create destination [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ZIP_UNABLE_TO_OPEN_ARCHIVE] => Unable to open archive [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ZIP_UNABLE_TO_READ] => Unable to read archive (zip) [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ZIP_UNABLE_TO_READ_ENTRY] => Unable to read entry [JLIB_FILESYSTEM_ZIP_UNABLE_TO_WRITE_ENTRY] => Unable to write entry [JLIB_FORM_BUTTON_CLEAR] => Clear [JLIB_FORM_BUTTON_SELECT] => Select [JLIB_FORM_CHANGE_IMAGE] => Change image [JLIB_FORM_CHANGE_IMAGE_BUTTON] => Change Image Button [JLIB_FORM_CHANGE_USER] => Select User [JLIB_FORM_ERROR_FIELDS_CATEGORY_ERROR_EXTENSION_EMPTY] => Extension attribute is empty in the category field [JLIB_FORM_ERROR_FIELDS_GROUPEDLIST_ELEMENT_NAME] => Unknown element type: %s [JLIB_FORM_ERROR_NO_DATA] => No data [JLIB_FORM_ERROR_VALIDATE_FIELD] => Invalid xml field [JLIB_FORM_ERROR_XML_FILE_DID_NOT_LOAD] => XML file did not load [JLIB_FORM_FIELD_INVALID] => Invalid field:  [JLIB_FORM_INPUTMODE] => latin [JLIB_FORM_INVALID_FORM_OBJECT] => Invalid Form Object: :%s [JLIB_FORM_INVALID_FORM_RULE] => Invalid Form Rule: :%s [JLIB_FORM_MEDIA_PREVIEW_ALT] => Selected image [JLIB_FORM_MEDIA_PREVIEW_EMPTY] => No image selected. [JLIB_FORM_MEDIA_PREVIEW_SELECTED_IMAGE] => Selected image [JLIB_FORM_MEDIA_PREVIEW_TIP_TITLE] => Preview [JLIB_FORM_SELECT_USER] => Select a User [JLIB_FORM_VALIDATE_FIELD_INVALID] => Invalid field: %s [JLIB_FORM_VALIDATE_FIELD_REQUIRED] => Field required: %s [JLIB_FORM_VALIDATE_FIELD_RULE_MISSING] => Validation Rule missing: %s [JLIB_FORM_VALUE_CACHE_APC] => Alternative PHP Cache [JLIB_FORM_VALUE_CACHE_CACHELITE] => Cache_Lite [JLIB_FORM_VALUE_CACHE_EACCELERATOR] => eAccelerator [JLIB_FORM_VALUE_CACHE_FILE] => File [JLIB_FORM_VALUE_CACHE_MEMCACHE] => Memcache [JLIB_FORM_VALUE_CACHE_MEMCACHED] => Memcached (Experimental) [JLIB_FORM_VALUE_CACHE_WINCACHE] => Windows Cache [JLIB_FORM_VALUE_CACHE_XCACHE] => XCache [JLIB_FORM_VALUE_FROM_TEMPLATE] => From Template [JLIB_FORM_VALUE_INHERITED] => Inherited [JLIB_FORM_VALUE_SESSION_APC] => Alternative PHP Cache [JLIB_FORM_VALUE_SESSION_DATABASE] => Database [JLIB_FORM_VALUE_SESSION_EACCELERATOR] => eAccelerator [JLIB_FORM_VALUE_SESSION_MEMCACHE] => Memcache [JLIB_FORM_VALUE_SESSION_MEMCACHED] => Memcached (Experimental) [JLIB_FORM_VALUE_SESSION_NONE] => None [JLIB_FORM_VALUE_SESSION_WINCACHE] => Windows Cache [JLIB_FORM_VALUE_SESSION_XCACHE] => XCache [JLIB_FORM_VALUE_TIMEZONE_UTC] => Universal Time, Coordinated (UTC) [JLIB_HTML_ACCESS_MODIFY_DESC_CAPTION_ACL] => ACL [JLIB_HTML_ACCESS_MODIFY_DESC_CAPTION_TABLE] => Table [JLIB_HTML_ACCESS_SUMMARY] => Summary [JLIB_HTML_ACCESS_SUMMARY_DESC] => Shown below is an overview of the permission settings for this article. Click the tabs above to customise these settings by action. [JLIB_HTML_ACCESS_SUMMARY_DESC_CAPTION] => ACL Summary Table [JLIB_HTML_ADD_TO_ROOT] => Add to root [JLIB_HTML_ADD_TO_THIS_MENU] => Add to this menu [JLIB_HTML_BATCH_ACCESS_LABEL] => Set Access Level [JLIB_HTML_BATCH_ACCESS_LABEL_DESC] => Not making a selection will keep the original access levels when processing. [JLIB_HTML_BATCH_COPY] => Copy [JLIB_HTML_BATCH_LANGUAGE_LABEL] => Set Language [JLIB_HTML_BATCH_LANGUAGE_LABEL_DESC] => Not making a selection will keep the original language when processing. [JLIB_HTML_BATCH_LANGUAGE_NOCHANGE] => - Keep original Language - [JLIB_HTML_BATCH_MENU_LABEL] => Select Category for Move/Copy [JLIB_HTML_BATCH_MOVE] => Move [JLIB_HTML_BATCH_NOCHANGE] => - Keep original Access Levels - [JLIB_HTML_BATCH_TAG_LABEL] => Add Tag [JLIB_HTML_BATCH_TAG_LABEL_DESC] => Add a tag to selected items. [JLIB_HTML_BATCH_TAG_NOCHANGE] => - Keep original Tags - [JLIB_HTML_BATCH_USER_LABEL] => Set User [JLIB_HTML_BATCH_USER_LABEL_DESC] => Not making a selection will keep the original user when processing. [JLIB_HTML_BATCH_USER_NOCHANGE] => - Keep original User - [JLIB_HTML_BATCH_USER_NOUSER] => No User [JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_ABOUT_THE_CALENDAR] => About the Calendar [JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_CLOSE] => Close [JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_DATE_SELECTION] => Date selection:\n [JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_DISPLAY_S_FIRST] => Display %s first [JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_DRAG_TO_MOVE] => Drag to move [JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_GO_TODAY] => Go to today [JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_GREEN] => Green [JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_HOLD_MOUSE] => - Hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. [JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_MONTH_SELECT] => - Use the < and > buttons to select month\n [JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_NEXT_MONTH_HOLD_FOR_MENU] => Click to move to the next month. Click and hold for a list of the months. [JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_NEXT_YEAR_HOLD_FOR_MENU] => Click to move to the next year. Click and hold for a list of years. [JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_PREV_MONTH_HOLD_FOR_MENU] => Click to move to the previous month. Click and hold for a list of the months. [JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_PREV_YEAR_HOLD_FOR_MENU] => Click to move to the previous year. Click and hold for a list of years. [JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_SELECT_DATE] => Select a date. [JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_SHIFT_CLICK_OR_DRAG_TO_CHANGE_VALUE] => (Shift-)Click or Drag to change the value. [JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_TIME] => Time: [JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_TODAY] => Today [JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_TT_DATE_FORMAT] => %a, %b %e [JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_WK] => wk [JLIB_HTML_BEHAVIOR_YEAR_SELECT] => - Use the « and » buttons to select year\n [JLIB_HTML_BUTTON_BASE_CLASS] => Could not load button base class. [JLIB_HTML_BUTTON_NOT_DEFINED] => Button not defined for type = %s [JLIB_HTML_BUTTON_NO_LOAD] => Could not load button %s (%s); [JLIB_HTML_CALENDAR] => Calendar [JLIB_HTML_CHECKED_OUT] => Checked out [JLIB_HTML_CHECKIN] => Check-in [JLIB_HTML_CLOAKING] => This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [JLIB_HTML_DATE_RELATIVE_DAYS] => %s days ago [JLIB_HTML_DATE_RELATIVE_DAYS_0] => %s days ago [JLIB_HTML_DATE_RELATIVE_DAYS_1] => %s day ago [JLIB_HTML_DATE_RELATIVE_HOURS] => %s hours ago [JLIB_HTML_DATE_RELATIVE_HOURS_0] => %s hours ago [JLIB_HTML_DATE_RELATIVE_HOURS_1] => %s hour ago [JLIB_HTML_DATE_RELATIVE_LESSTHANAMINUTE] => Less than a minute ago [JLIB_HTML_DATE_RELATIVE_MINUTES] => %s minutes ago [JLIB_HTML_DATE_RELATIVE_MINUTES_0] => %s minutes ago [JLIB_HTML_DATE_RELATIVE_MINUTES_1] => %s minute ago [JLIB_HTML_DATE_RELATIVE_WEEKS] => %s weeks ago [JLIB_HTML_DATE_RELATIVE_WEEKS_0] => %s weeks ago [JLIB_HTML_DATE_RELATIVE_WEEKS_1] => %s week ago [JLIB_HTML_EDITOR_CANNOT_LOAD] => Cannot load the editor [JLIB_HTML_EDIT_MENU_ITEM] => Edit menu item [JLIB_HTML_EDIT_MENU_ITEM_ID] => Item id: %s [JLIB_HTML_EDIT_MODULE] => Edit module [JLIB_HTML_EDIT_MODULE_IN_POSITION] => Position: %s [JLIB_HTML_END] => End [JLIB_HTML_ERROR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED] => Function not supported. [JLIB_HTML_ERROR_NOTFOUNDINFILE] => %s: :%s not found in file. [JLIB_HTML_ERROR_NOTSUPPORTED] => %s: :%s not supported. [JLIB_HTML_ERROR_NOTSUPPORTED_NOFILE] => %s: :%s not supported. File not found. [JLIB_HTML_MOVE_DOWN] => Move Down [JLIB_HTML_MOVE_UP] => Move Up [JLIB_HTML_NO_PARAMETERS_FOR_THIS_ITEM] => There are no parameters for this item [JLIB_HTML_NO_RECORDS_FOUND] => No record found [JLIB_HTML_PAGE_CURRENT_OF_TOTAL] => Page %s of %s [JLIB_HTML_PLEASE_MAKE_A_SELECTION_FROM_THE_LIST] => Please first make a selection from the list [JLIB_HTML_PUBLISHED_EXPIRED_ITEM] => Published, but has Expired [JLIB_HTML_PUBLISHED_FINISHED] => Finish: %s [JLIB_HTML_PUBLISHED_ITEM] => Published and is Current [JLIB_HTML_PUBLISHED_PENDING_ITEM] => Published, but is Pending [JLIB_HTML_PUBLISHED_START] => Start: %s [JLIB_HTML_PUBLISH_ITEM] => Publish Item [JLIB_HTML_RESULTS_OF] => Results %s - %s of %s [JLIB_HTML_SAVE_ORDER] => Save Order [JLIB_HTML_SELECT_STATE] => Select State [JLIB_HTML_SETDEFAULT_ITEM] => Set default [JLIB_HTML_START] => Start [JLIB_HTML_UNPUBLISH_ITEM] => Unpublish Item [JLIB_HTML_UNSETDEFAULT_ITEM] => Unset default [JLIB_HTML_VIEW_ALL] => View All [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT] => Aborting language installation: %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_ALREADYINSTALLED] => Extension is already installed [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_COMP_BUILDADMINMENUS_FAILED] => Error building Admin Menus [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_COMP_INSTALL_COPY_SETUP] => Component Install: Could not copy setup file. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_COMP_INSTALL_CUSTOM_INSTALL_FAILURE] => Component Install: Custom install routine failure [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_COMP_INSTALL_MANIFEST] => Component Install: Could not copy PHP manifest file. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_COMP_INSTALL_PHP_INSTALL] => Component Install: Could not copy PHP install file. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_COMP_INSTALL_PHP_UNINSTALL] => Component Install: Could not copy PHP uninstall file. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_COMP_INSTALL_ROLLBACK] => Component Install: %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_COMP_INSTALL_SQL_ERROR] => Component Install: SQL error file %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_COMP_UPDATE_ADMIN_ELEMENT] => Component Update: The XML file did not contain an administration element [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_COMP_UPDATE_COPY_SETUP] => Component Update: Could not copy setup file. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_COMP_UPDATE_MANIFEST] => Component Update: Could not copy PHP manifest file. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_COMP_UPDATE_PHP_INSTALL] => Component Update: Could not copy PHP install file. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_COMP_UPDATE_PHP_UNINSTALL] => Component Update: Could not copy PHP uninstall file. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_COMP_UPDATE_ROLLBACK] => Component Update: %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_COMP_UPDATE_SQL_ERROR] => Component Update: SQL error file %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_DEBUG] => Installation unexpectedly terminated: [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_DETECTMANIFEST] => Unable to detect manifest file [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_EXTENSIONNOTVALID] => Extension is not valid [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_FILE_INSTALL_COPY_SETUP] => Files Install: Could not copy setup file. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_FILE_INSTALL_CUSTOM_INSTALL_FAILURE] => Files Install: Custom install routine failure [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_FILE_INSTALL_FAIL_SOURCE_DIRECTORY] => Files Install: Failed to find source directory: %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_FILE_INSTALL_ROLLBACK] => Files Install: %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_FILE_INSTALL_SQL_ERROR] => Files %1$s: SQL error file %2$s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_FILE_ROLLBACK] => Files Install: %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_FILE_SAME_NAME] => Files Install: Another extension with same name already exists. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_FILE_UPDATE_SQL_ERROR] => Files Update: SQL error file %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_LIB_INSTALL_ALREADY_INSTALLED] => Library Install: Library already installed [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_LIB_INSTALL_COPY_SETUP] => Library Install: Could not copy setup file. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_LIB_INSTALL_FAILED_TO_CREATE_DIRECTORY] => Library Install: Failed to create directory: %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_LIB_INSTALL_NOFILE] => Library Install: No library file specified [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_LIB_INSTALL_ROLLBACK] => Library Install: %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_LOAD_DETAILS] => Failed to load extension details [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_METHODNOTSUPPORTED] => Method not supported for this extension type [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_METHODNOTSUPPORTED_TYPE] => Method not supported for this extension type: %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_MOD_INSTALL_COPY_SETUP] => Module Install: Could not copy setup file. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_MOD_INSTALL_CREATE_DIRECTORY] => Module %1$s: Failed to create directory: %2$s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_MOD_INSTALL_CUSTOM_INSTALL_FAILURE] => Module Install: Custom install routine failure [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_MOD_INSTALL_DIRECTORY] => Module %1$s: Another module is already using directory: %2$s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_MOD_INSTALL_MANIFEST] => Module Install: Could not copy PHP manifest file. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_MOD_INSTALL_NOFILE] => Module %s: No module file specified [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_MOD_INSTALL_SQL_ERROR] => Module %1$s: SQL error file %2$s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_MOD_ROLLBACK] => Module %1$s: %2$s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_MOD_UNINSTALL_UNKNOWN_CLIENT] => Module Uninstall: Unknown client type [%s] [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_MOD_UNKNOWN_CLIENT] => Module %1$s: Unknown client type [%2$s] [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_NOINSTALLPATH] => Install path does not exist [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_NOUPDATEPATH] => Update path does not exist [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_PACKAGE_INSTALL_CUSTOM_INSTALL_FAILURE] => Package Install: Custom install routine failure [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_PACKAGE_INSTALL_MANIFEST] => Installation failed: Could not copy PHP manifest file. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_PACK_INSTALL_COPY_SETUP] => Package Install: Could not copy setup file. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_PACK_INSTALL_CREATE_DIRECTORY] => Package Install: Failed to create directory:%s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_PACK_INSTALL_ERROR_EXTENSION] => Package %1$s: There was an error installing an extension: %2$s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_PACK_INSTALL_NO_FILES] => Package %s: There were no files to install! [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_PACK_INSTALL_NO_PACK] => Package %s: No package file specified [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_PACK_INSTALL_ROLLBACK] => Package Install: %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_PLG_INSTALL_ALLREADY_EXISTS] => Plugin %1$s: Plugin %2$s already exists [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_PLG_INSTALL_COPY_SETUP] => Plugin %s: Could not copy setup file. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_PLG_INSTALL_CREATE_DIRECTORY] => Plugin %1$s: Failed to create directory: %2$s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_PLG_INSTALL_CUSTOM_INSTALL_FAILURE] => Plugin Install: Custom install routine failure [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_PLG_INSTALL_DIRECTORY] => Plugin %1$s: Another plugin is already using directory: %2$s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_PLG_INSTALL_MANIFEST] => Plugin %s: Could not copy PHP manifest file. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_PLG_INSTALL_NO_FILE] => Plugin %s: No plugin file specified [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_PLG_INSTALL_ROLLBACK] => Plugin %1$s: %2$s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_PLG_INSTALL_SQL_ERROR] => Plugin %1$s: SQL error file %2$s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_PLG_UNINSTALL_SQL_ERROR] => Plugin Uninstall: SQL error file %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_REFRESH_MANIFEST_CACHE] => Refresh Manifest Cache failed: Extension is not currently installed. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_REFRESH_MANIFEST_CACHE_VALID] => Refresh Manifest Cache failed: Extension is not valid. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_TPL_INSTALL_ALREADY_INSTALLED] => Template Install: Template already installed [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_TPL_INSTALL_ANOTHER_TEMPLATE_USING_DIRECTORY] => Template Install: There is already a Template using the named directory: %s. Are you trying to install the same template again? [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_TPL_INSTALL_COPY_SETUP] => Template Install: Could not copy setup file. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_TPL_INSTALL_FAILED_CREATE_DIRECTORY] => Template Install: Failed to create directory: %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_TPL_INSTALL_ROLLBACK] => Template Install: %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ABORT_TPL_INSTALL_UNKNOWN_CLIENT] => Template Install: Unknown client type [%s] [JLIB_INSTALLER_AVAILABLE_UPDATE_PHP_VERSION] => For the extension %1$s version %2$s is available, but it requires at least PHP version %3$s while your system only has %4$s [JLIB_INSTALLER_DEFAULT_STYLE] => %s - Default [JLIB_INSTALLER_DISCOVER] => Discover [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_COMP_DISCOVER_STORE_DETAILS] => Component Discover install: Failed to store component details [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_COMP_INSTALL_ADMIN_ELEMENT] => Component Install: The XML file did not contain an administration element [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_COMP_INSTALL_DIR_ADMIN] => Component Install: Another component is already using directory: %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_COMP_INSTALL_DIR_SITE] => Component Install: Another component is already using directory: %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_COMP_INSTALL_FAILED_TO_CREATE_DIRECTORY_ADMIN] => Component Install: Failed to create admin directory: %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_COMP_INSTALL_FAILED_TO_CREATE_DIRECTORY_SITE] => Component Install: Failed to create site directory: %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_COMP_REFRESH_MANIFEST_CACHE] => Component Refresh manifest cache: Failed to store component details [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_COMP_REMOVING_ADMIN_MENUS_FAILED] => Could not delete the administrator menus. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_COMP_UNINSTALL_CUSTOM] => Component Uninstall: Custom Uninstall script unsuccessful [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_COMP_UNINSTALL_ERRORREMOVEMANUALLY] => Component Uninstall: Can't uninstall. Please remove manually [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_COMP_UNINSTALL_ERRORUNKOWNEXTENSION] => Component Uninstall: Unknown Extension [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_COMP_UNINSTALL_FAILED_DELETE_CATEGORIES] => Component Uninstall: Unable to delete the component categories [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_COMP_UNINSTALL_FAILED_REMOVE_DIRECTORY_ADMIN] => Component Uninstall: Unable to remove the component admin directory [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_COMP_UNINSTALL_FAILED_REMOVE_DIRECTORY_SITE] => Component Uninstall: Unable to remove the component site directory [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_COMP_UNINSTALL_NO_OPTION] => Component Uninstall: Option field empty, cannot remove files [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_COMP_UNINSTALL_SQL_ERROR] => Component Uninstall: SQL error file %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_COMP_UNINSTALL_WARNCORECOMPONENT] => Component Uninstall: Trying to uninstall a core component [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_COMP_UPDATE_FAILED_TO_CREATE_DIRECTORY_ADMIN] => Component Update: Failed to create admin directory: %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_COMP_UPDATE_FAILED_TO_CREATE_DIRECTORY_SITE] => Component Update: Failed to create site directory: %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_CREATE_DIRECTORY] => JInstaller: :Install: Failed to create directory: %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_CREATE_FOLDER_FAILED] => Failed to create directory [%s] [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_DEPRECATED_FORMAT] => Deprecated install format (client="both"), use package installer in future [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_DOWNLOAD_SERVER_CONNECT] => Error connecting to the server: %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_EXTENSION_INVALID_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER] => Invalid client identifier specified in extension manifest. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_FAILED_READING_NETWORK_RESOURCES] => Failed reading network resource: %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_FAIL_COPY_FILE] => JInstaller: :Install: Failed to copy file %1$s to %2$s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_FAIL_COPY_FOLDER] => JInstaller: :Install: Failed to copy folder %1$s to %2$s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_FILE_EXISTS] => JInstaller: :Install: File already exists %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_FILE_UNINSTALL_INVALID_MANIFEST] => Files Uninstall: Invalid manifest file [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_FILE_UNINSTALL_INVALID_NOTFOUND_MANIFEST] => Files Uninstall: Manifest file invalid or not found. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_FILE_UNINSTALL_LOAD_ENTRY] => Files Uninstall: Could not load extension entry [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_FILE_UNINSTALL_LOAD_MANIFEST] => Files Uninstall: Could not load manifest file [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_FILE_UNINSTALL_SQL_ERROR] => Files Uninstall: SQL error file %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_FILE_UNINSTALL_WARNCOREFILE] => File Uninstall: Trying to uninstall core files [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_FOLDER_IN_USE] => Another extension is already using directory [%s] [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_LANG_DISCOVER_STORE_DETAILS] => Language Discover install: Failed to store language details [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_LANG_UNINSTALL_DEFAULT] => This language can't be uninstalled as long as it is defined as a default language. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_LANG_UNINSTALL_DIRECTORY] => Language Uninstall: Unable to remove the specified Language directory. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_LANG_UNINSTALL_ELEMENT_EMPTY] => Language Uninstall: Element is empty, cannot uninstall files [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_LANG_UNINSTALL_PATH_EMPTY] => Language Uninstall: Language path is empty, cannot uninstall files [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_LANG_UNINSTALL_PROTECTED] => This language can't be uninstalled. It is protected in the database (usually en-GB) [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_LIB_DISCOVER_STORE_DETAILS] => Library Discover install: Failed to store library details [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_LIB_UNINSTALL_INVALID_MANIFEST] => Library Uninstall: Invalid manifest file [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_LIB_UNINSTALL_INVALID_NOTFOUND_MANIFEST] => Library Uninstall: Manifest file invalid or not found. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_LIB_UNINSTALL_LOAD_MANIFEST] => Library Uninstall: Could not load manifest file [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_LIB_UNINSTALL_WARNCORELIBRARY] => Library Uninstall: Trying to uninstall a core library [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_LOAD_XML] => JInstaller: :Install: Failed to load XML File: %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_MOD_DISCOVER_STORE_DETAILS] => Module Discover install: Failed to store module details [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_MOD_REFRESH_MANIFEST_CACHE] => Module Refresh manifest cache: Failed to store module details [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_MOD_UNINSTALL_ERRORUNKOWNEXTENSION] => Module Uninstall: Unknown Extension [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_MOD_UNINSTALL_EXCEPTION] => Module Uninstall: %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_MOD_UNINSTALL_INVALID_NOTFOUND_MANIFEST] => Module Uninstall: Manifest file invalid or not found. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_MOD_UNINSTALL_SQL_ERROR] => Module Uninstall: SQL error file %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_MOD_UNINSTALL_WARNCOREMODULE] => Module Uninstall: Trying to uninstall a core module: %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_NOTFINDJOOMLAXMLSETUPFILE] => JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find Joomla XML setup file [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_NOTFINDXMLSETUPFILE] => JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find XML setup file [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_NO_CORE_LANGUAGE] => No core pack exists for the language [%s] [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_NO_FILE] => JInstaller: :Install: File does not exist %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_NO_LANGUAGE_TAG] => The package did not specify a language tag. Are you trying to install an old language package? [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_PACK_UNINSTALL_INVALID_MANIFEST] => Package Uninstall: Invalid manifest file [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_PACK_UNINSTALL_INVALID_NOTFOUND_MANIFEST] => Package Uninstall: Manifest file invalid or not found: %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_PACK_UNINSTALL_LOAD_MANIFEST] => Package Uninstall: Could not load manifest file [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_PACK_UNINSTALL_MANIFEST_NOT_REMOVED] => Package Uninstall: Errors were detected, manifest file not removed! [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_PACK_UNINSTALL_MISSINGMANIFEST] => Package Uninstall: Missing manifest file [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_PACK_UNINSTALL_NOT_PROPER] => Package Uninstall: This extension may have already been uninstalled or might not have been uninstall properly: %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_PACK_UNINSTALL_UNKNOWN_EXTENSION] => Attempting to uninstall unknown extension from package. This extension may have already been removed earlier. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_PACK_UNINSTALL_WARNCOREPACK] => Package Uninstall: Trying to uninstall core package [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_PLG_DISCOVER_STORE_DETAILS] => Plugin Discover install: Failed to store plugin details [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_PLG_REFRESH_MANIFEST_CACHE] => Plugin Refresh manifest cache: Failed to store plugin details [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_PLG_UNINSTALL_ERRORUNKOWNEXTENSION] => Plugin Uninstall: Unknown Extension [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_PLG_UNINSTALL_FOLDER_FIELD_EMPTY] => Plugin Uninstall: Folder field empty, cannot remove files [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_PLG_UNINSTALL_INVALID_MANIFEST] => Plugin Uninstall: Invalid manifest file [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_PLG_UNINSTALL_INVALID_NOTFOUND_MANIFEST] => Plugin Uninstall: Manifest file invalid or not found. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_PLG_UNINSTALL_LOAD_MANIFEST] => Plugin Uninstall: Could not load manifest file [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_PLG_UNINSTALL_WARNCOREPLUGIN] => Plugin Uninstall: Trying to uninstall a core plugin: %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_SQL_ERROR] => JInstaller: :Install: Error SQL %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_SQL_FILENOTFOUND] => JInstaller: :Install: SQL File not found %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_SQL_READBUFFER] => JInstaller: :Install: SQL File Buffer Read Error [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_TPL_DISCOVER_STORE_DETAILS] => Template Discover install: Failed to store template details [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_TPL_UNINSTALL_ERRORUNKOWNEXTENSION] => Template Uninstall: Unknown Extension [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_TPL_UNINSTALL_INVALID_CLIENT] => Template Uninstall: Invalid client. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_TPL_UNINSTALL_INVALID_NOTFOUND_MANIFEST] => Template Uninstall: Manifest file invalid or not found. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_TPL_UNINSTALL_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT] => Template Uninstall: Cannot remove default template. [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_TPL_UNINSTALL_TEMPLATE_DIRECTORY] => Template Uninstall: Directory does not exist, cannot remove files [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_TPL_UNINSTALL_TEMPLATE_ID_EMPTY] => Template Uninstall: Template ID is empty, cannot uninstall files [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_TPL_UNINSTALL_WARNCORETEMPLATE] => Template Uninstall: Trying to uninstall a core template: %s [JLIB_INSTALLER_ERROR_UNKNOWN_CLIENT_TYPE] => Unknown Client Type [%s] [JLIB_INSTALLER_FAILED_TO_PURGE_UPDATES] => Failed to purge updates [JLIB_INSTALLER_INSTALL] => Install [JLIB_INSTALLER_NOTICE_LANG_RESET_USERS] => Language set to Default for %d users [JLIB_INSTALLER_NOTICE_LANG_RESET_USERS_1] => Language set to Default for %d user [JLIB_INSTALLER_NOT_ERROR] => If the error is related to the installation of TinyMCE language files it has no effect on the installation of the language(s). Some language packs created prior to Joomla! 3.2.0 may try to install separate TinyMCE language files. As these are now included in the core they no longer need to be installed. [JLIB_INSTALLER_PURGED_UPDATES] => Purged updates [JLIB_INSTALLER_UNINSTALL] => Uninstall [JLIB_INSTALLER_UPDATE] => Update [JLIB_INSTALLER_UPDATE_LOG_QUERY] => Ran query from file %1$s. Query text: %2$s. [JLIB_LOGIN_AUTHENTICATE] => Username and password do not match or you do not have an account yet. [JLIB_MAIL_FUNCTION_DISABLED] => The mail() function has been disabled and the mail cannot be sent. [JLIB_MAIL_FUNCTION_OFFLINE] => The mail function has been temporarily disabled on this site, please try again later. [JLIB_MAIL_INVALID_EMAIL_SENDER] => JMail: : Invalid email Sender: %s, JMail: :setSender(%s) [JLIB_MEDIA_ERROR_UPLOAD_INPUT] => Unable to upload file. [JLIB_MEDIA_ERROR_WARNFILENAME] => File name must only contain alphanumeric characters and no spaces. [JLIB_MEDIA_ERROR_WARNFILETOOLARGE] => This file is too large to upload. [JLIB_MEDIA_ERROR_WARNFILETYPE] => This file type is not supported. [JLIB_MEDIA_ERROR_WARNIEXSS] => Possible IE XSS Attack found. [JLIB_MEDIA_ERROR_WARNINVALID_IMG] => Not a valid image. [JLIB_MEDIA_ERROR_WARNINVALID_MIME] => Illegal or invalid mime type detected. [JLIB_MEDIA_ERROR_WARNNOTADMIN] => Uploaded file is not an image file and you do not have permission. [JLIB_PLUGIN_ERROR_LOADING_PLUGINS] => Error loading Plugins: %s [JLIB_REGISTRY_EXCEPTION_LOAD_FORMAT_CLASS] => Unable to load format class [JLIB_RULES_ACTION] => Action [JLIB_RULES_ALLOWED] => Allowed [JLIB_RULES_ALLOWED_ADMIN] => Allowed (Super User) [JLIB_RULES_CALCULATED_SETTING] => Calculated Setting 2 [JLIB_RULES_CONFLICT] => Conflict [JLIB_RULES_DENIED] => Denied [JLIB_RULES_GROUP] => %s [JLIB_RULES_GROUPS] => Groups [JLIB_RULES_INHERIT] => Inherit [JLIB_RULES_INHERITED] => Inherited [JLIB_RULES_NOT_ALLOWED] => Not Allowed [JLIB_RULES_NOT_ALLOWED_ADMIN_CONFLICT] => Conflict [JLIB_RULES_NOT_ALLOWED_LOCKED] => Not Allowed (Locked) [JLIB_RULES_NOT_SET] => Not Set [JLIB_RULES_SELECT_ALLOW_DENY_GROUP] => Allow or deny %s for users in the %s group [JLIB_RULES_SELECT_SETTING] => Select New Setting 1 [JLIB_RULES_SETTINGS_DESC] => Manage the permission settings for the user groups below. See notes at the bottom. [JLIB_RULES_SETTING_NOTES] => 1. If you change the setting, it will apply to this and all child groups, components and content. Note that Denied will overrule any inherited setting, and also the setting in any child group, component or content. In the case of a setting conflict, Deny will take precedence. Not Set is equivalent to Denied but can be changed in child groups, components and content.
2. If you select a new setting, click Save to refresh the calculated settings. [JLIB_RULES_SETTING_NOTES_ITEM] => 1. If you change the setting, it will apply to this item. Note that:
Inherited means that the permissions from global configuration, parent group and category will be used.
Denied means that no matter what the global configuration, parent group or category settings are, the group being edited cannot take this action on this item.
Allowed means that the group being edited will be able to take this action for this item (but if this is in conflict with the global configuration, parent group or category it will have no impact; a conflict will be indicated by Not Allowed (Locked) under Calculated Settings).
2. If you select a new setting, click Save to refresh the calculated settings. [JLIB_UNKNOWN] => Unknown [JLIB_UPDATER_ERROR_COLLECTION_FOPEN] => The PHP allow_url_fopen setting is disabled. This setting must be enabled for the updater to work. [JLIB_UPDATER_ERROR_COLLECTION_OPEN_URL] => Update: :Collection: Could not open %s [JLIB_UPDATER_ERROR_COLLECTION_PARSE_URL] => Update: :Collection: Could not parse %s [JLIB_UPDATER_ERROR_EXTENSION_OPEN_URL] => Update: :Extension: Could not open %s [JLIB_UPDATER_ERROR_EXTENSION_PARSE_URL] => Update: :Extension: Could not parse %s [JLIB_USER_ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_LOAD_PLUGIN] => JAuthentication: :authenticate: Failed to load plugin: %s [JLIB_USER_ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_LIBRARIES] => JAuthentication: :__construct: Could not load authentication libraries. [JLIB_USER_ERROR_BIND_ARRAY] => Unable to bind array to user object [JLIB_USER_ERROR_CANNOT_DEMOTE_SELF] => You cannot remove your own Super User permissions. [JLIB_USER_ERROR_CANNOT_REUSE_PASSWORD] => You cannot reuse your current password, please enter a new password. [JLIB_USER_ERROR_ID_NOT_EXISTS] => JUser: :_load: User %s does not exist [JLIB_USER_ERROR_NOT_SUPERADMIN] => Only users with Super User permissions can change other Super User user accounts. [JLIB_USER_ERROR_PASSWORD_NOT_MATCH] => Passwords do not match. Please re-enter password. [JLIB_USER_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_FIND_USER] => Unable to find a user with given activation string [JLIB_USER_ERROR_UNABLE_TO_LOAD_USER] => JUser: :_load: Unable to load user with ID: %s [JLIB_USER_EXCEPTION_ACCESS_USERGROUP_INVALID] => User Group does not exist [JLIB_UTIL_ERROR_APP_INSTANTIATION] => Application Startup Error [JLIB_UTIL_ERROR_CONNECT_DATABASE] => JDatabase: :getInstance: Could not connect to database
joomla.library: %1$s - %2$s [JLIB_UTIL_ERROR_DOMIT] => DommitDocument is deprecated. Use DomDocument instead [JLIB_UTIL_ERROR_LOADING_FEED_DATA] => Error loading feed data [JLIB_UTIL_ERROR_XML_LOAD] => Failed loading XML file [T3_ADDON_DESC] => Built-in Add-ons for T3 Framework [T3_ADDON_LABEL] => Add-ons [T3_ADDON_OFFCANVAS_EFFECT_1] => Slide in on top [T3_ADDON_OFFCANVAS_EFFECT_10] => Scale up [T3_ADDON_OFFCANVAS_EFFECT_11] => Scale & Rotate pusher [T3_ADDON_OFFCANVAS_EFFECT_12] => Open door [T3_ADDON_OFFCANVAS_EFFECT_13] => Fall down [T3_ADDON_OFFCANVAS_EFFECT_14] => Delayed 3D rotate [T3_ADDON_OFFCANVAS_EFFECT_2] => Reveal [T3_ADDON_OFFCANVAS_EFFECT_3] => Push [T3_ADDON_OFFCANVAS_EFFECT_4] => Slide along [T3_ADDON_OFFCANVAS_EFFECT_5] => Reverse slide out [T3_ADDON_OFFCANVAS_EFFECT_6] => Rotate pusher [T3_ADDON_OFFCANVAS_EFFECT_7] => 3D rotate in [T3_ADDON_OFFCANVAS_EFFECT_8] => 3D rotate out [T3_ADDON_OFFCANVAS_EFFECT_9] => Scale down pusher [T3_ADDON_OFFCANVAS_EFFECT_DESC] => Sidebar transition effect for Off-canvas menu [T3_ADDON_OFFCANVAS_EFFECT_LABEL] => Off-Canvas Effect [T3_ADDON_OFFCANVAS_ENABLE_DESC] => Enable to load off-canvas library [T3_ADDON_OFFCANVAS_ENABLE_LABEL] => Enable [T3_ADDON_OFFCANVAS_GROUP_DESC] => Enable off-canvas sidebar then select effect for the Off-canvas sidebar. [T3_ADDON_OFFCANVAS_GROUP_LABEL] => Off-canvas Sidebar [T3_ADDON_THEME_EXTRAS_ALL] => All pages [T3_ADDON_THEME_EXTRAS_DESC] => This allow you load extra style file for the selected menu items [T3_ADDON_THEME_EXTRAS_LABEL] => Template Extended styles [T3_ADDON_THEME_EXTRAS_NONE] => Not use [T3_CUSTOM_LAYOUT_NOT_FOUND] => The source layout does not found [T3_EXTRA_FIELDS_DESC] => Select the extra fields group for extend those articles in this category [T3_EXTRA_FIELDS_GROUP_DESC] => Extend Article's fields for current category [T3_EXTRA_FIELDS_GROUP_LABEL] => Extra Fields [T3_EXTRA_FIELDS_LABEL] => Extra Fields Group [T3_FRMWRK_DESC_1] => T3 Framework [T3_FRMWRK_DESC_2] => The ''All New'' T3 [T3_FRMWRK_DESC_3] => Our T3 framework is the most popular template framework for Joomla. It powers all our T3 based templates and is available for Joomla 2.5 and 3.0. For the ease of upgrades the framework is in the plugin format and is installed separately. With over 3 years of active development T3 framework has come a long way and is more robust, user friendly, feature rich, easy to customize and not to mention the responsive layouts support which not only looks good on all browsers and devices but also works like a charm. [T3_FRMWRK_DESC_4] => Resources: [T3_FRMWRK_DESC_5] => Download Link [T3_FRMWRK_DESC_6] => Documentation Link [T3_FRMWRK_DESC_7] => Change log Link [T3_FRMWRK_DESC_8] => Version & Update [T3_FRMWRK_DESC_9] => Forum Link [T3_FRMWRK_OVERVIEW] => Framework Overview [T3_GENERAL_ASSETS_FOLDER_DESC] => When Development Mode or Optimize CSS is set to ''YES'', T3 will join and compress most possible CSS files into one or serveral files for site performance. This folder must be writable. This folder is configured at your Joomla! root level [T3_GENERAL_ASSETS_FOLDER_LABEL] => T3 Assets Folder [T3_GENERAL_ASSETS_MINIFYJS_DESC] => Combined and compress Javascript files [T3_GENERAL_ASSETS_MINIFYJS_EXCLUDE_DESC] => Enter the file you DO NOT like to apply minify. Separated by a comma [T3_GENERAL_ASSETS_MINIFYJS_EXCLUDE_LABEL] => Exclude files [T3_GENERAL_ASSETS_MINIFYJS_LABEL] => Optimize JS [T3_GENERAL_ASSETS_MINIFYJS_TOOL_CLOSURE] => Closure Compiler [T3_GENERAL_ASSETS_MINIFYJS_TOOL_DESC] => Choose tool to compress Javascript [T3_GENERAL_ASSETS_MINIFYJS_TOOL_JSMIN] => JSMin [T3_GENERAL_ASSETS_MINIFYJS_TOOL_LABEL] => JS Compress Tool [T3_GENERAL_ASSETS_MINIFY_DESC] => When you enable this option, compressed CSS files will be used (.min.css files) [T3_GENERAL_ASSETS_MINIFY_LABEL] => Optimize CSS [T3_GENERAL_BUILD_RTL_DESC] => Enable this option will allow the compiling LESS to CSS process to also build the CSS file for RTL languages [T3_GENERAL_BUILD_RTL_LABEL] => Build RTL CSS [T3_GENERAL_DESC] => The following settings will be applied for all styles, themes and layouts [T3_GENERAL_DEVELOPMENT_DESC] => When Development Mode is enabled, less is used instead of css [T3_GENERAL_DEVELOPMENT_FOLDER_DESC] => When Development Mode is enabled, T3 will compile every LESS files to CSS files into this folder for easy tracking. This folder must be writable. [T3_GENERAL_DEVELOPMENT_FOLDER_LABEL] => Development Folder [T3_GENERAL_DEVELOPMENT_LABEL] => Development Mode [T3_GENERAL_JCORE_DESC] => Enhance Core Joomla! options [T3_GENERAL_JCORE_LABEL] => Core Joomla! [T3_GENERAL_JCORE_LINKED_TITLES_DESC] => Override setting for Link Title in Article View. This setting only applies for Single Article view. [T3_GENERAL_JCORE_LINKED_TITLES_LABEL] => Link Title for Article View [T3_GENERAL_LABEL] => General [T3_GENERAL_LEGACY_CSS_DESC] => Load some important compatible styles for Bootstrap 2 and Font Awesome 3.x [T3_GENERAL_LEGACY_CSS_LABEL] => Legacy Compatible [T3_GENERAL_NON_RESPON_WIDTH_DESC] => Container width for non-responsive layout [T3_GENERAL_NON_RESPON_WIDTH_LABEL] => Non-Responsive Width [T3_GENERAL_OPTIMIZE_DESC] => Enable compress CSS/JS. These options only available when Development Mode is off [T3_GENERAL_OPTIMIZE_LABEL] => Optimization [T3_GENERAL_REMOVE_T3LOGO_DESC] => T3 logo in footer. We recommend you do this so that we can help spread T3 to the word [T3_GENERAL_REMOVE_T3LOGO_LABEL] => Show T3 Logo [T3_GENERAL_RESPONSIVE_DESC] => Enable this if this template supports responsive layout. Switching this option need re-build LESS to CSS. [T3_GENERAL_RESPONSIVE_LABEL] => Responsive [T3_GENERAL_THEMER_DESC] => Enable this option to access ThemeMagic customization panel. [T3_GENERAL_THEMER_LABEL] => ThemeMagic [T3_GLOBAL_TOGGLE_FOLDING] => Collapse / Expand [T3_INJECTION_CLOSE_BODY_DESC] => Add custom code before closing </body> tag [T3_INJECTION_CLOSE_BODY_LABEL] => Before </body> [T3_INJECTION_CLOSE_HEAD_DESC] => Add custom code before closing </head> tag [T3_INJECTION_CLOSE_HEAD_LABEL] => Before </head> [T3_INJECTION_DEBUG_DESC] => Add modules in debug position before closing </body> tag [T3_INJECTION_DEBUG_LABEL] => Show debug module position [T3_INJECTION_DESC] => Add custom code to some special positions of webpage. Those markup will not filter. Please be careful when copy code from other websites. [T3_INJECTION_LABEL] => Custom Code [T3_INJECTION_OPEN_BODY_DESC] => Add custom code right after open <body> tag [T3_INJECTION_OPEN_BODY_LABEL] => After <body> [T3_INJECTION_OPEN_HEAD_DESC] => Add custom code right after open <head> tag [T3_INJECTION_OPEN_HEAD_LABEL] => After <head> [T3_LAYOUT_ASK_ADD_LAYOUT] => That’s awesome way to start customizing... [T3_LAYOUT_ASK_ADD_LAYOUT_DESC] => Give it a cool name, how about domain_layout? [T3_LAYOUT_ASK_CORRECT_NAME] => Please enter alpha numeric name [T3_LAYOUT_ASK_DEL_LAYOUT] => Hmm, are you sure to do it? [T3_LAYOUT_ASK_DEL_LAYOUT_DESC] => [T3_LAYOUT_ASK_PURGE_LAYOUT_DESC] => [T3_LAYOUT_CHANGE_NUMPOS] => Click here to select number of positions you want to display [T3_LAYOUT_CONFIG_DESC] => Layout Configuration [T3_LAYOUT_CONFIG_TITLE] => Layout Configuration [T3_LAYOUT_CUSTOM_POSITION] => Custom Position [T3_LAYOUT_DEFAULT_POSITION] => Default [T3_LAYOUT_DELETE_FAIL] => Failed to delete layout [T3_LAYOUT_DELETE_SUCCESSFULLY] => Layout delete successfully [T3_LAYOUT_DESC] => Based on Bootstrap Grid, you can add up to 6 module positions to a spotlight area which can be resized by adjusting the resizer bar to the left/right.
You can change the module position by clicking on the configuration icon on the top right. [T3_LAYOUT_DESC_DELETE] => Remove cloned layout & setting [T3_LAYOUT_DESC_PURGE] => Remove both cloned and default layout [T3_LAYOUT_DRAG_RESIZE] => Drag me to resize [T3_LAYOUT_DVI_DEFAULT] => Default [T3_LAYOUT_DVI_LG] => Large [T3_LAYOUT_DVI_MD] => Medium [T3_LAYOUT_DVI_MOBILE] => Mobile [T3_LAYOUT_DVI_NORMAL] => Normal [T3_LAYOUT_DVI_SM] => Small [T3_LAYOUT_DVI_TABLET] => Tablet [T3_LAYOUT_DVI_WIDE] => Wide [T3_LAYOUT_DVI_XS] => Extra Small [T3_LAYOUT_DVI_XTABLET] => XTablet [T3_LAYOUT_EDIT_POSITION] => Click here to edit position [T3_LAYOUT_EMPTY_POSITION] => None [T3_LAYOUT_EXISTED] => New layout already exists [T3_LAYOUT_HIDDEN_POS_DESC] => Currently hidden positions on Spotlight [T3_LAYOUT_HIDE_POSITION] => Click here to hide this position on current device layout [T3_LAYOUT_INVALID_DATA_TO_SAVE] => Incorrect data format [T3_LAYOUT_LABEL] => Layout [T3_LAYOUT_LABEL_CLONEIT] => Clone it! [T3_LAYOUT_LABEL_DELETE] => Delete [T3_LAYOUT_LABEL_DELETEIT] => Got it! delete this layout! [T3_LAYOUT_LABEL_PURGE] => Purge [T3_LAYOUT_LABEL_SAVE_AS_COPY] => Save as Copy [T3_LAYOUT_LAYOUT_DESC] => Select a layout to be configured. Select the Positions that are going to be used in the above selected layout then configure the responsive layouts (enable, disable, change size module position in specific layouts) [T3_LAYOUT_LAYOUT_LABEL] => Position & Responsive Configuration [T3_LAYOUT_LAYOUT_NAME] => Layout name [T3_LAYOUT_LOAD_ERROR] => The layout cannot be loaded. There might be some errors in the layout file. [T3_LAYOUT_LOGO_TEXT] => Logo [T3_LAYOUT_MODE_LAYOUT] => Responsive Layout [T3_LAYOUT_MODE_STRUCTURE] => Module Positions [T3_LAYOUT_NOT_FOUND] => The source layout does not found [T3_LAYOUT_NO_PERMISSION] => You do not have permission to make change of theme [T3_LAYOUT_OPERATION_FAILED] => Saving progress is failed. It might cause by file permission [T3_LAYOUT_POPOVER_DESC] => [T3_LAYOUT_POPOVER_TITLE] => Select a position [T3_LAYOUT_POS_NAME] => Position Name [T3_LAYOUT_POS_WIDTH] => Position Width [T3_LAYOUT_RESET_ALL] => Reset All [T3_LAYOUT_RESET_PER_DEVICE] => Reset layout for current device [T3_LAYOUT_RESET_POSITION] => Reset Positions [T3_LAYOUT_RESPON_PDESC] => [T3_LAYOUT_RESPON_PTITLE] => Visibility [T3_LAYOUT_SAVE_SUCCESSFULLY] => Layout changes has been saved successfully [T3_LAYOUT_SHOW_POSITION] => Click here to show this position on current device layout [T3_LAYOUT_TOGG_FULLSCREEN] => Toggle Fullscreen [T3_LAYOUT_UNKNOW_ACTION] => Unknown request [T3_LAYOUT_UNKN_WIDTH] => Auto [T3_LBL_OK] => Ok [T3_LBL_VIEWTHEMER] => ThemeMagic [T3_MENUS_ASSIGNMENT_DESC] => Assign the current template style to the selected menu items that can be viewed by users. [T3_MENUS_ASSIGNMENT_LABEL] => Assignment [T3_MSG_CANNOT_DETECT_TEMPLATE] => Cannot detect current T3 template [T3_MSG_COMPILE_FAILURE] =>

Compile LESS to CSS failed


[T3_MSG_COMPILE_SUCCESS] => Successfully compile LESS to CSS [T3_MSG_DEVFOLDER_NOT_WRITABLE] => Cannot create css cached file in development folder: %s [T3_MSG_ENABLE_THEMEMAGIC] => Please enable ThemeMagic Mode in General tab first [T3_MSG_FAILED_INIT_BASE] => Base theme is not ready [T3_MSG_FILE_NOT_WRITABLE] => File system Not writable. Please check again server file permission. [T3_MSG_LESS_NOT_VALID] => Template Less structure was not compatible with T3 compiler [T3_MSG_MEGAMENU_NOT_USED] => This will direct you to the Megamenu Configuration page. However, you have chosen using the Joomla Module over Megamenu, hence the Megamenu Configuration is not necessary in this case. Please click again to continue! [T3_MSG_MODULE_NOT_AVAIL] => This module might not available with current Access Level [T3_MSG_NO_PERMISSION] => You does have permission to make change of theme [T3_MSG_PACKAGE_DAMAGED] => The framework has not been installed correctly [T3_MSG_PLUGIN_NOT_READY] => T3 Framework is not ready [T3_MSG_SWITCH_RESPONSIVE_MODE] => Please save the config then re-build LESS to CSS to enable/disable Responsive mode [T3_MSG_UNKNOWN_ERROR] => Unexpected error. Please refresh the page try again later. [T3_MSG_UNKNOW_ACTION] => Unknown request [T3_MSG_WARNING] => Warning! [T3_NAVIGATION_ACL_DESC] => The access level group that allow to view menu [T3_NAVIGATION_ACL_LABEL] => Access [T3_NAVIGATION_ANIMATION_DESC] => Select animation for Megamenu [T3_NAVIGATION_ANIMATION_DURATION_DESC] => Animation effect duration for dropdown of Megamenu (in miliseconds) [T3_NAVIGATION_ANIMATION_DURATION_LABEL] => Duration [T3_NAVIGATION_ANIMATION_LABEL] => Animation [T3_NAVIGATION_ASK_DELETE] => Megamenu [T3_NAVIGATION_ASK_DELETE_DESC] => Are you sure you want to delete configuration? [T3_NAVIGATION_BOOTSTRAP] => Bootstrap [T3_NAVIGATION_COLLAPSE_DESC] => Always show submenu when collapse [T3_NAVIGATION_COLLAPSE_ENABLE_DESC] => Enable collapsible navigation for Main navigation [T3_NAVIGATION_COLLAPSE_ENABLE_LABEL] => Enable [T3_NAVIGATION_COLLAPSE_GROUP_DESC] => Enable default Bootstrap collapse navigation for main navigation on small screens. This option should be turned off if you want to use Off-canvas style for collapse navigation [T3_NAVIGATION_COLLAPSE_GROUP_LABEL] => Collapse navigation for small screens [T3_NAVIGATION_COLLAPSE_LABEL] => Always show submenu [T3_NAVIGATION_COLLAPSE_OFFCANVAS] => Off-Canvas Navigation [T3_NAVIGATION_COLLAPSE_OFFCANVAS_DESC] => Enable Off-Canvas Navigation type for Collapsed menu on small screen [T3_NAVIGATION_DELETE_FAILED] => Error!!! Can't delete the configuration [T3_NAVIGATION_DELETE_SUCCESSFULLY] => Configuration has been deleted successfully [T3_NAVIGATION_DESC] => The tab includes settings of the Megamenu - a missing feature in Joomla!. With an intuitive configuration visualization, you can setup an advanced menu in a few clicks. [T3_NAVIGATION_LABEL] => Navigation [T3_NAVIGATION_LABEL_DELETEIT] => Delete [T3_NAVIGATION_MEGAMENU] => Megamenu [T3_NAVIGATION_MEGAMENU_CONFIG] => Megamenu [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_ADD_REMOVE_COLUMN] => Add/remove Column [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_ADD_REMOVE_COLUMN_DESC] => Click to add a new column right after the column selection
Click to remove the selected column [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_ALIGN] => Alignment [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_ALIGN_CENTER] => Center [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_ALIGN_DESC] => Align submenu [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_ALIGN_JUSTIFY] => Justify [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_ALIGN_LEFT] => Left [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_ALIGN_RIGHT] => Right [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_CAPTION] => Item caption [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_CAPTION_DESC] => Item caption [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_COLUMN_CONF] => Column Configuration [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_ENABLE_DESC] => Enable or disable Megamenu [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_ENABLE_LABEL] => Enable MegaMenu [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_EX_CLASS] => Extra Class [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_EX_CLASS_DESC] => Add extra class to style megamenu. [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_GROUP] => Group [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_GROUP_DESC] => Enable Megamenu first then go to Megamenu setting panel to configure Megamenu [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_GROUP_LABEL] => Megamenu Configuration [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_HIDE_COLLAPSE] => Hide when collapse [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_HIDE_COLLAPSE_DESC] => Hide this column when the menu is collapsed on small screen [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_ICON] => Icon [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_ICON_DESC] => Add Icon for Menu Item. Click Icon label to visit bootstrap icons page and get Icon Class. E.g.: [icon-search], [fa fa-home], [glyphicon glyphicon-heart],... without square brackets. Note: [fa] and [glyphicon] icons support by Bootstrap 3 base theme only [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_ITEM_CONF] => Item Configuration [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_LOADING] => Loading Menu... [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_MODULE] => Module [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_MODULE_DESC] => Select module to place in MegaMenu [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_MOVE_LEFT] => Move to Left Column [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_MOVE_RIGHT] => Move to Right Column [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_POSITIONS] => Positions [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_POSITIONS_DESC] => Move menu item to right or left column [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_RESET] => Reset [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_SAVE] => Save [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_SELECT_MODULE] => Select Module [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_SUBMENU] => Submenu [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_SUBMENU_DESC] => Enable or disable submenus [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_SUBMNEU_CONF] => Submenu Configuration [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_SUBMNEU_GRID] => Add row [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_SUBMNEU_GRID_DESC] => Add a new row to the selected submenu [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_SUBMNEU_WIDTH_PX] => Submenu Width (px) [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_SUBMNEU_WIDTH_PX_DESC] => Set submenu width(in pixel) [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_TITLE] => Megamenu configuration [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_TOOLBOX] => Megamenu Toolbox [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_TOOLBOX_DESC] => This toolbox includes all settings of megamenu, just select menu then configure. There are 3 level of configuration: sub-megamenu setting, column setting and menu item setting. [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_TYPE_DESC] => Select a menu to configure Megamenu for the menu items in the selected menu. [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_TYPE_LABEL] => Menu [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_WIDTH_SPAN] => Width (1-12) [T3_NAVIGATION_MM_WIDTH_SPAN_DESC] => Add the appropriate number of span columns [T3_NAVIGATION_SAVE_FAILED] => Configuration has not been saved [T3_NAVIGATION_SAVE_SUCCESSFULLY] => Configuration changes saved successfully [T3_NAVIGATION_TRIGGER_DESC] => Mouse Event to trigger dropdown menu [T3_NAVIGATION_TRIGGER_LABEL] => Dropdown Trigger [T3_NAVIGATION_TRIG_CLICK] => Click [T3_NAVIGATION_TRIG_HOVER] => Hover [T3_NAVIGATION_TYPE_DESC] =>

Joomla Module

This is default Joomla menu system.


A new feature supported in T3 Framework (a missing feature in Joomla). [T3_NAVIGATION_TYPE_LABEL] => Navigation Style [T3_OVERVIEW_AUTHOR] => Author: [T3_OVERVIEW_CHECK_UPDATE] => Check for new version [T3_OVERVIEW_CHK_UPDATE_OK] => Checking Completed [T3_OVERVIEW_CREATE_DATE] => Released Date: [T3_OVERVIEW_FAILED_GETLIST] => Cannot get extension list from repository [T3_OVERVIEW_FMRWRK_NAME] => T3 Framework [T3_OVERVIEW_FRMWRK_INFO] => Framework Information [T3_OVERVIEW_FRMWRK_NEW] => Dude! There's a newer version for your %s! [T3_OVERVIEW_FRMWRK_NEW_MSG] => Your version is %s. %s's latest version is %s. [T3_OVERVIEW_FRMWRK_SAME] => Congrats! You are using latest version of %s! [T3_OVERVIEW_FRMWRK_SAME_MSG] => Your version is %s [T3_OVERVIEW_GO_DOWNLOAD] => Update now [T3_OVERVIEW_LABEL] => Overview [T3_OVERVIEW_NAME] => Name: [T3_OVERVIEW_TPL_DL_CENTER] => Download Center [T3_OVERVIEW_TPL_INFO] => Template Information [T3_OVERVIEW_TPL_NEW] => Dude! There's a newer version for your %s! [T3_OVERVIEW_TPL_NEW_MSG] => Your version is %s. %s's latest version is %s. [T3_OVERVIEW_TPL_SAME] => Congrats! You are using latest version of %s! [T3_OVERVIEW_TPL_SAME_MSG] => Your version is %s [T3_OVERVIEW_TPL_UPDATE_CENTER] => Update Center [T3_OVERVIEW_TPL_VERSION] => You are using %s version %s [T3_OVERVIEW_TPL_VERSION_MSG] => This template is not available on Joomla Update channel [T3_OVERVIEW_VERSION] => Version: [T3_SELECT_STYLE_DESC] => Select a style from T3 template to customize [T3_SELECT_STYLE_LABEL] => Current Style [T3_THEME_DESC] => The visual settings below are for themes of your selected style. You can always use the ThemeMagic tool located on the top-right panel for further advanced settings. [T3_THEME_ENABLE_LOGOIMAGE_SM_DESC] => Enable this option to allow select a new version logo for small screen [T3_THEME_ENABLE_LOGOIMAGE_SM_LABEL] => Enable Small Logo [T3_THEME_LABEL] => Theme [T3_THEME_LOGOHEIGHT_DESC] => Logo Height [T3_THEME_LOGOHEIGHT_LABEL] => Logo Height [T3_THEME_LOGOIMAGE_DESC] => Browse image to replace current logo image [T3_THEME_LOGOIMAGE_LABEL] => Logo Image [T3_THEME_LOGOIMAGE_SM_DESC] => Small Logo Image [T3_THEME_LOGOIMAGE_SM_LABEL] => Small Logo Image [T3_THEME_LOGOTYPE_DESC] => Select image logo type or text logo type [T3_THEME_LOGOTYPE_IMAGE] => Image [T3_THEME_LOGOTYPE_LABEL] => Logo Type [T3_THEME_LOGOTYPE_TEXT] => Text [T3_THEME_LOGOWIDTH_DESC] => Logo Width [T3_THEME_LOGOWIDTH_LABEL] => Logo Width [T3_THEME_SITENAME_DESC] => Site Name [T3_THEME_SITENAME_HINT] => Your site name goes here [T3_THEME_SITENAME_LABEL] => Site Name [T3_THEME_SLOGAN_DESC] => Slogan [T3_THEME_SLOGAN_HINT] => Your slogan goes here [T3_THEME_SLOGAN_LABEL] => Slogan [T3_THEME_THEME_DESC] => Select a theme [T3_THEME_THEME_LABEL] => Theme [T3_TM_ADVANCED] => Advanced [T3_TM_ASK_ADD_THEME] => Please enter new theme name [T3_TM_ASK_CORRECT_NAME] => Please enter alpha numeric name [T3_TM_ASK_DEL_THEME] => Are you sure you want to delete this theme? [T3_TM_ASK_OVERWRITE_THEME] => Theme %THEME% already exists. Do you want to replace the existing file? [T3_TM_ASK_SAVE_CHANGED] => Theme %THEME% has been modified, save changes? [T3_TM_BACK_TO_ADMIN] => Back to Administrator [T3_TM_CLONE_SUCCESSFULLY] => Theme cloned successfully [T3_TM_COMPILE_FAILED] => Theme complied unsucessfully [T3_TM_COMPILE_SUCCESS] => Theme compiled successfully [T3_TM_CUSTOMIZING] => You are customizing: [T3_TM_DELETE] => Delete [T3_TM_DELETE_FAIL] => Delete theme [T3_TM_DELETE_SUCCESSFULLY] => Theme deleted successfully [T3_TM_EXISTED] => This theme already exists [T3_TM_EXIT] => Exit ThemeMagic [T3_TM_GRID] => Grid [T3_TM_INVALID_DATA_TO_SAVE] => The data does not have correct format [T3_TM_LABEL_OK] => Accept [T3_TM_MINIMIZE] => Minimize [T3_TM_MODULE] => Module [T3_TM_NOT_FOUND] => The source theme was not found [T3_TM_NO_PERMISSION] => You don't have permission to make change of theme [T3_TM_OPERATION_FAILED] => Saving progress was failed. It might cause by file permission [T3_TM_PLUGIN_NOT_READY] => T3 plugin is not ready [T3_TM_PREVIEW] => Preview [T3_TM_PREVIEW_ERROR] => You have navigated to another page which using another template or your current preview page does not support LESS. ThemeMagic has been temporarily disabled. [T3_TM_SAVE] => Save [T3_TM_SAVEAS] => Save As [T3_TM_SAVE_SUCCESSFULLY] => Theme changes saved successfully [T3_TM_SCAFFOLDING] => Scaffolding [T3_TM_SPOTLIGHTS] => Spotlights [T3_TM_THEME_LABEL] => Theme [T3_TM_THEME_MAGIC] => Theme magic [T3_TM_THEME_NAME] => Theme name [T3_TM_TITLE] => ThemeMagic [T3_TM_TYPO] => Typo [T3_TM_UNKNOWN_THEME] => Unknown theme name [T3_TM_UNKNOW_ACTION] => Unknown request [T3_TM_VARS_BODY_BKG_DESC] => Background Color [T3_TM_VARS_BODY_BKG_LABEL] => Background Color [T3_TM_VARS_ELEMENT_RADIUS_DESC] => Elements Radius [T3_TM_VARS_ELEMENT_RADIUS_LABEL] => Elements Radius [T3_TM_VARS_FONTFAMILY_CUSTOM] => Custom Font [T3_TM_VARS_FONTFAMILY_CUSTOM_DESC] => Example: 'Segoe UI', Arial, sans-serif. If you need load external font, go to tab Advanced and put your font urls in External CSS Urls param [T3_TM_VARS_FONTFAMILY_CUSTOM_LABEL] => Custom Font [T3_TM_VARS_FONTFAMILY_DESC] => Font Family [T3_TM_VARS_FONTFAMILY_LABEL] => Font Family [T3_TM_VARS_FONTFAMILY_MONOSPACE] => Monospace [T3_TM_VARS_FONTFAMILY_SANS_SERIF] => Sans Serif [T3_TM_VARS_FONTFAMILY_SERIF] => Serif [T3_TM_VARS_FONTSIZE_DESC] => Font Size [T3_TM_VARS_FONTSIZE_LABEL] => Font Size [T3_TM_VARS_HEADINGFONTFAMILY_DESC] => Heading Font Family [T3_TM_VARS_HEADINGFONTFAMILY_LABEL] => Heading Font Family [T3_TM_VARS_HIDE_SLOGAN_DESC] => Hide Slogan [T3_TM_VARS_HIDE_SLOGAN_LABEL] => Hide Slogan [T3_TM_VARS_IMPORT_EXTERNAL_URLS_DESC] => List external css urls here to import. It's usefull to load web fonts such as Google Fonts. List each url in a line [T3_TM_VARS_IMPORT_EXTERNAL_URLS_LABEL] => External CSS Urls [T3_TM_VARS_INVERT_SPOTLIGHT_DESC] => Use 'inverted' spotlights [T3_TM_VARS_INVERT_SPOTLIGHT_LABEL] => Use 'inverted' spotlights [T3_TM_VARS_LINK_COLOR_DESC] => Link Color [T3_TM_VARS_LINK_COLOR_LABEL] => Link Color [T3_TM_VARS_MODULE_BGCOLOR_DESC] => Module Background Color [T3_TM_VARS_MODULE_BGCOLOR_LABEL] => Module Background Color [T3_TM_VARS_MODULE_COLOR_DESC] => Module Text Color [T3_TM_VARS_MODULE_COLOR_LABEL] => Module Text Color [T3_TM_VARS_MODULE_TITLE_BGCOLOR_DESC] => Module Title Background Color [T3_TM_VARS_MODULE_TITLE_BGCOLOR_LABEL] => Module Title Background Color [T3_TM_VARS_MODULE_TITLE_COLOR_DESC] => Module Title Text Color [T3_TM_VARS_MODULE_TITLE_COLOR_LABEL] => Module Title Text Color [T3_TM_VARS_NAVBAR_INVERTED_LABEL] => Navbar Inverted [T3_TM_VARS_NAVBAR_INVERTED_LDESC] => Navbar Inverted [T3_TM_VARS_SCFD_LG_WIDTH_DESC] => Large Desktop Width [T3_TM_VARS_SCFD_LG_WIDTH_LABEL] => Large Desktop Width [T3_TM_VARS_SCFD_MID_WIDTH_DESC] => Desktop Width [T3_TM_VARS_SCFD_MID_WIDTH_LABEL] => Desktop Width [T3_TM_VARS_SCFD_NORMAL_GUTTER_DESC] => Normal Gutter Width [T3_TM_VARS_SCFD_NORMAL_GUTTER_LABEL] => Normal Gutter Width [T3_TM_VARS_SCFD_NORMAL_WIDTH_DESC] => Normal Layout Width [T3_TM_VARS_SCFD_NORMAL_WIDTH_LABEL] => Normal Layout Width [T3_TM_VARS_SCFD_SM_WIDTH_DESC] => Tablet Width [T3_TM_VARS_SCFD_SM_WIDTH_LABEL] => Tablet Width [T3_TM_VARS_SCFD_TABLET_GUTTER_DESC] => Tablet Gutter Width [T3_TM_VARS_SCFD_TABLET_GUTTER_LABEL] => Tablet Gutter Width [T3_TM_VARS_SCFD_TABLET_WIDTH_DESC] => Tablet Layout Width [T3_TM_VARS_SCFD_TABLET_WIDTH_LABEL] => Tablet Layout Width [T3_TM_VARS_SCFD_WIDE_GUTTER_DESC] => Wide Gutter Width [T3_TM_VARS_SCFD_WIDE_GUTTER_LABEL] => Wide Gutter Width [T3_TM_VARS_SCFD_WIDE_WIDTH_DESC] => Wide Layout Width [T3_TM_VARS_SCFD_WIDE_WIDTH_LABEL] => Wide Layout Width [T3_TM_VARS_SCFD_XTABLET_GUTTER_DESC] => XTablet Gutter Width [T3_TM_VARS_SCFD_XTABLET_GUTTER_LABEL] => XTablet Gutter Width [T3_TM_VARS_SCFD_XTABLET_WIDTH_DESC] => XTablet Layout Width [T3_TM_VARS_SCFD_XTABLET_WIDTH_LABEL] => XTablet Layout Width [T3_TM_VARS_SPOTLIGHT_INVERTED_DESC] => Spotlight Inverted [T3_TM_VARS_SPOTLIGHT_INVERTED_LABEL] => Spotlight Inverted [T3_TM_VARS_TEXT_COLOR_DESC] => Text Color [T3_TM_VARS_TEXT_COLOR_LABEL] => Text Color [T3_TM_VISUAL] => Visual [T3_TOOLBAR_CLOSE] => Close [T3_TOOLBAR_COMPILE_LESS_CSS] => LESS to CSS [T3_TOOLBAR_COMPILE_LESS_CSS_DESC] => Compile LESS to CSS [T3_TOOLBAR_COMPILE_THIS] => [%s] theme only [T3_TOOLBAR_COMPILE_THIS_DESC] => Compile the theme for current template style only [T3_TOOLBAR_COPY] => Copy [T3_TOOLBAR_DELETE] => Delete [T3_TOOLBAR_HELP] => Help [T3_TOOLBAR_MEGAMENU] => Megamenu [T3_TOOLBAR_MEGAMENU_DESC] => Go to Megamenu configuration page [T3_TOOLBAR_SAVE] => Save [T3_TOOLBAR_SAVECLOSE] => Save & Close [T3_TOOLBAR_SAVE_AS_CLONE] => Save as Copy [T3_TOOLBAR_THEMER] => ThemeMagic [T3_TOOLBAR_THEMER_DESC] => ThemeMagic [T3_TOUR_CTRL_END] => End [T3_TOUR_CTRL_NEXT] => Next [T3_TOUR_CTRL_PREV] => Prev [T3_TOUR_CTRL_START] => Start the tour! [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_10_CONTENT] => T3 allows you to enable responsive feature or not. If you select No, your site is a non-responsive website. [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_10_TITLE] => Enable or Disable responsive [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_11_CONTENT] =>

The settings in the tab are also included in the ThemeMagic. The settings allow you to select default theme for the style and change logo if you wish.

[T3_TOUR_GUIDE_11_TITLE] => Theme Settings [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_12_CONTENT] =>

T3 supports multiple Themes, select the Theme you want to apply for the style then customize it as you wish.

[T3_TOUR_GUIDE_12_TITLE] => Select theme for current style [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_13_CONTENT] =>

You can use either image or text logo type. To change your current logo, just select a new logo image, it will automatically replace the current logo. Note that this settings can be configured in the ThemeMagic as well.

[T3_TOUR_GUIDE_13_TITLE] => Logo Setting [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_14_CONTENT] =>

JA T3 comes with multiple layouts, in the layout setting, it allows to configure/customize the layout you wish to use in each style. Each layout contains number of block, and each block includes one or many module positions.

[T3_TOUR_GUIDE_14_TITLE] => Layout Settings [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_15_CONTENT] =>

From the multiple layouts, select the one that the style uses. You can easily customize the layout using the Layout Configuration below.

[T3_TOUR_GUIDE_15_TITLE] => Assign layout to current style [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_16_CONTENT] => [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_16_TITLE] => [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_17_CONTENT] => The tab includes settings of the Megamenu - a missing feature in Joomla!. With Megamenu, you can create any type of menu that your site needs. [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_17_TITLE] => MegaMenu Settings [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_18_CONTENT] => If you only want to use Joomla! menu system, just turn it off [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_18_TITLE] => Enable or disable MegaMenu [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_19_CONTENT] =>

The settings let you override template. In your site, you can use multiple styles simultaneously, each style is applied in specific menus. The menus that are assigned in settings of style A will override the same menus in default style.

[T3_TOUR_GUIDE_19_TITLE] => Menu Assignment [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_1_CONTENT] =>

Feel free to enable the option when you are in development mode. This option will allow you to compile LESS to CSS. Whatever changes in your customization for the LESS files will then be compiled to the corresponding CSS files, which are the actual files that get your site running on.


Using the button to assign module position to the block.

You can set the number of module positions for a spotlight block.

[T3_TOUR_GUIDE_20_TITLE] => Module Positions Setting [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_21_CONTENT] => Select the positions that are going to be used in the above selected layout. In other words, this will allow you to freely configure which content to be displayed in that specific selected layout according to your preferences. [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_21_TITLE] => Module Positions [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_22_CONTENT] =>

In this setting panel, you can enable/disable and resize the module positions for the spotlight blocks only for each specific layout: wide, mobile, tablet, etc.

[T3_TOUR_GUIDE_22_TITLE] => Responsive Layout [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_23_CONTENT] =>

Using the icon to enable/disable the module position for the spotlight block in the current layout.

Drag to resize the module position (basegrid: 12). Please do keep in mind that it is applied in the current modifying layout only and not applied to all unless you make changes in each layout accordingly.

[T3_TOUR_GUIDE_23_TITLE] => Layouts Configuration [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_25_CONTENT] =>

This place let you set the behavior of the main navigation bar. It also let you choose a cool feature of T3 - Megamenu and its options.

[T3_TOUR_GUIDE_25_TITLE] => Navigation Configuration [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_26_CONTENT] => You can select to display sub-menu when hovering or clicking on its parent menu. [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_26_TITLE] => Option to open sub-menu [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_27_CONTENT] => Select menu for current style, each style can be assigned different menu. [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_27_TITLE] => Select Menu [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_28_CONTENT] =>

Enable this option so that Megamenu will be active in this style. After enable this option, go to Megamenu setting panel to configure megamenu.

[T3_TOUR_GUIDE_28_TITLE] => Enable Megamenu [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_29_CONTENT] =>

Enable this option to use default Bootstrap navigation (dropdown menu style) on small screens like iPhone, tablet

[T3_TOUR_GUIDE_29_TITLE] => Collapse menu in small screens [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_2_CONTENT] =>

ThemeMagic is the visual customization. It includes multiple parameters which allow you to customize as you wish. The changes in the front-end are displayed on the right panel.


Thinking of a way to add-in a custom code after and before the special tags (such as <head></head>, <body>></body>)? Worry free, we have your back!

[T3_TOUR_GUIDE_30_TITLE] => Custom Code [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_31_CONTENT] =>

We provide you a huge canvas for to focus on configuring your Megamenu. This feature is what Joomla is lacking of and gurantee to change your classic navigation system experience.

[T3_TOUR_GUIDE_31_TITLE] => Megamenu Configuration [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_32_CONTENT] =>

This tab will include the add-ons. Right now, it has configurations for Off-Canvas sidebar.

[T3_TOUR_GUIDE_32_TITLE] => Add-ons Configuration [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_33_CONTENT] =>

If you use RTL language layout, when compile LESS to CSS, you need to enable this option so that it will build CSS for RTL.


You can use this option to quickly select style for customization.

[T3_TOUR_GUIDE_3_TITLE] => Select Style to Edit [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_4_CONTENT] => Select the language that you wish to set as default if your site is multilingual. If your site is in a single language only, this field will be disabled. [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_4_TITLE] => Language of current style [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_5_CONTENT] => To check out whether or not your T3 Blank template is up to date, simply click on the button and get the status. If it's not up to the latest version, no worry, you can get the upgrade for free. [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_5_TITLE] => Template version and update [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_6_CONTENT] => This button allows you to:
  1. Check and
  2. Update the latest version of framework in case yours are not up to date.
  3. [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_6_TITLE] => FrameWork version and update [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_7_CONTENT] =>

    The settings are applied for all styles, themes, layouts. Setting included in the tab: enable or disable development mode, responsive and ThemeMagic feature.

    [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_7_TITLE] => Global Settings [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_8_CONTENT] => Please enable this option when you are in development mode. It should be turned off if you are not developing your site so that your site speed is better. [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_8_TITLE] => Development mode [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_9_CONTENT] =>

    If you want to use ThemeMagic to customize your theme, you gotta have to enable the ThemeMagic first.

    Click on the ThemeMagic to go to the ThemeMagic configuration panel.

    [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_9_TITLE] => Enable ThemeMagic [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_DISMISS_1] => Dismiss [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_DISMISS_2] => Ok, got it! [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_DISMISS_3] => Roger [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_DISMISS_4] => Cool! [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_DISMISS_5] => Thanks, that's Awesome [T3_TOUR_GUIDE_DISMISS_6] => Got it dude! [T3_TOUR_INTRO_1] => Welcome to T3! [T3_TOUR_INTRO_2] => Are you ready to discover the best framework for Joomla! yet? Click the buttons below to start your travel and having fun! [T3_TOUR_INTRO_FIRST] =>

    Welcome to T3!

    Are you ready to discover the best framework for Joomla! yet? Click the buttons below to start your travel and having fun!

    [T3_TOUR_INTRO_TOUR1] => The settings are applied for all themes, layouts. Setting included in the tab: enable or disable development mode, responsive and ThemeMagic feature. [T3_TOUR_INTRO_TOUR2] => The settings in the tab is also included in the ThemeMagic. The settings allow you to select default theme for the style and change logo if you wish. [T3_TOUR_INTRO_TOUR3] => JA T3 comes with multiple layouts, in the layout setting, it allows to configure/customize the layout you wish to use in each style. Each layout contains number of block, and each block includes one or many module positions. [T3_TOUR_INTRO_TOUR4] => The tab includes settings of the Megamenu - a missing feature in Joomla!. With Megamenu, you can create any type of menu that your site needs. [T3_TOUR_INTRO_TOUR5] => The settings let you override template. In your site, you can use multiple styles simultaneously, each style is applied in specific menus. The menus that are assigned in settings of style A will override the same menus in default style. [T3_TOUR_QUICK_HELP] => Click here to get more help [K2_DATE_FORMAT_LC3] => Tháng ngày [T3_MISSING_T3_PLUGIN] => T3 Plugin is not enabled [T3_POS_BOTSL] => Bottom spotlight [T3_POS_BOTSL_DESC] => Select positions used in Bottom spotlight [T3_POS_FOOTNAV] => Footer links [T3_POS_FOOTNAV_DESC] => Select positions used in Footer links [T3_POS_MAINNAV] => Main Navigation [T3_POS_MAINNAV_DESC] => Main Navigation Position [T3_POS_MASTCOL] => Mastcol [T3_POS_MASTCOL_DESC] => Mastcol [T3_POS_SECTION] => Main Positions [T3_POS_SECTION_DESC] => Select Positions [T3_POS_SIDEBAR-1] => Sidebar 1 [T3_POS_SIDEBAR-1_DESC] => Sidebar 1 [T3_POS_SIDEBAR-2] => Sidebar 2 [T3_POS_SIDEBAR-2_DESC] => Sidebar 2 [T3_POS_TOPSL] => Top spotlight [T3_POS_TOPSL_DESC] => Select positions used in Top spotlight [T3_POWER_BY_HTML] => Powered By T3 Framework [T3_POWER_BY_TEXT] => Powered By T3 Framework [T3_TM_CIRCLE_ICON] => Circle Icon [T3_TM_COLORS] => Color [T3_TM_FOOTER] => Footer Styles [T3_TM_SPOTLIGHT] => Spotlight Styles [T3_TM_VARS_CIRCLEICON_BASE_DESC] => Configure Circle Width [T3_TM_VARS_CIRCLEICON_BASE_LABEL] => Cricle Width [T3_TM_VARS_CIRCLEICON_SIZE_DESC] => Configure Icon Font Size [T3_TM_VARS_CIRCLEICON_SIZE_LABEL] => Icon Font Size [T3_TM_VARS_ELEMENT_RADIUS_BASE_DESC] => Border Radius Base [T3_TM_VARS_ELEMENT_RADIUS_BASE_LABEL] => Border Radius Base [T3_TM_VARS_ELEMENT_RADIUS_LARGE_DESC] => Border Radius Large [T3_TM_VARS_ELEMENT_RADIUS_LARGE_LABEL] => Border Radius Large [T3_TM_VARS_ELEMENT_RADIUS_SMALL_DESC] => Border Radius Small [T3_TM_VARS_ELEMENT_RADIUS_SMALL_LABEL] => Border Radius Small [T3_TM_VARS_HEADING_COLOR_DESC] => Heading Color [T3_TM_VARS_HEADING_COLOR_LABEL] => Heading Color [T3_TM_VARS_PRIMARY_COLOR_DESC] => Brand Primary Color [T3_TM_VARS_PRIMARY_COLOR_LABEL] => Brand Primary Color [T3_TM_VARS_SCFD_GUTTER_DESC] => Gutter Width [T3_TM_VARS_SCFD_GUTTER_LABEL] => Gutter Width [T3_TM_VARS_SECONDARY_COLOR_DESC] => Brand Secondary Color [T3_TM_VARS_SECONDARY_COLOR_LABEL] => Brand Secondary Color [T3_TM_VARS_SPL_BGCOLOR_DESC] => Spotlight Background Color [T3_TM_VARS_SPL_BGCOLOR_LABEL] => Spotlight Background Color [T3_TM_VARS_SPL_COLOR_DESC] => Spotlight Text Color [T3_TM_VARS_SPL_COLOR_LABEL] => Spotlight Text Color [T3_TPL_DESC_1] => JA Nuevo [T3_TPL_DESC_2] => Responsive Joomla template [T3_TPL_DESC_3] => The app page responsive Joomla template for Joomla 3 & Joomla 2.5 - JA Nuevo is dedicated for apps startup or services page. It's a built-in T3 Framework template with Bootstrap 3, RTL Language Layout, K2 Component, and responsive. JA Nuevo is modern design template with lot of whitespace and simplicity. It helps enhance the performance of a landing page, improve readability and make a bold first impression. JA Nuevo is flexible with robust tools, you don't have to be CSS ninja, or PHP geek to do the customization. Make use of ThemeMagic to tweak the CSS properties, transform the layout with Layout Configurator, or simply build your own Megamenu. JA Nuevo is a must have Joomla template for app page, business, services, or landing pages. [T3_TPL_DESC_4] => Resources: [T3_TPL_DESC_5] => Download Link [T3_TPL_DESC_6] => Documentation Link [T3_TPL_DESC_7] => Changelog Link [T3_TPL_DESC_8] => Forum Link [T3_VARS_FOOTER_BG_DESC] => Footer Background [T3_VARS_FOOTER_BG_LABEL] => Footer Background [T3_VARS_FOOTER_COLOR_DESC] => Footer Text Color [T3_VARS_FOOTER_COLOR_LABEL] => Footer Text Color [T3_VARS_FOOTER_MOD_BG_DESC] => Footer Module Background [T3_VARS_FOOTER_MOD_BG_LABEL] => Footer Module Background [T3_VARS_FOOTER_MOD_COLOR_DESC] => Footer Module Text Color [T3_VARS_FOOTER_MOD_COLOR_LABEL] => Footer Module Text Color [T3_VARS_FOOTER_MOD_TCOLOR_DESC] => Footer Module Title Color [T3_VARS_FOOTER_MOD_TCOLOR_LABEL] => Footer Module Title Color [TPL_ALL_PROJECT] => All Project [TPL_ARTICLES_CATEGORIES_ALL] => Tất cả [TPL_ARTICLE_EXTRA_CLASS_DESC] => Extra Class for the article [TPL_ARTICLE_EXTRA_CLASS_LABEL] => Extra class [TPL_CATEGORY_NAME] => Danh mục: [TPL_COM_CONTENT_READ_MORE_TITLE] => Xem thêm [TPL_DATE_FORMAT_LC3] => ngày [TPL_EXTRAFIELDS_PORTFOLIO_DEMO_DESC] => Product Demo Link [TPL_EXTRAFIELDS_PORTFOLIO_DEMO_LABEL] => Demo Link [TPL_EXTRAFIELDS_PORTFOLIO_STATE_DESC] => Product Special state [TPL_EXTRAFIELDS_PORTFOLIO_STATE_LABEL] => Special state [TPL_EX_ICON_TITLES] => Article Icon [TPL_EX_ICON_TITLES_DESC] => Add Font Awesome 4 icon to display as article icon, example: fa-css3 [TPL_EX_SHORT_TITLES] => Article Short Title [TPL_EX_SHORT_TITLES_DESC] => Add short title for article, leave it blank if you want to use full title [TPL_FILTER_PROJECT] => Filter Project [TPL_GROUP_EXTRA_FIELDS_DESC] => Extra Fields group [TPL_GROUP_EXTRA_FIELDS_LABEL] => JA Extra Fields [TPL_GUTTER_IN_GRID] => Gutter of items [TPL_GUTTER_IN_GRID_DESC] => Gutter of items in layout grid [TPL_INFINITY_NEXT] => Next project [TPL_JACOMMENT_LABEL] => Nhận xét [TPL_JSLANG_FINISHEDMSG] => That's all [TPL_MAGAZINE_ARTICLE_INFO_LABEL] => Article Info Options [TPL_MAGAZINE_ARTICLE_LABEL] => Magazine Article [TPL_MAGAZINE_ARTICLE_LAYOUT_LABEL] => Article Layout [TPL_MAGAZINE_ENTRY_INTRO_POSITION_DESC] => Select positions to show Article Info [TPL_MAGAZINE_ENTRY_INTRO_POSITION_LABEL] => Article Info positions [TPL_MAGAZINE_ENTRY_INTRO_POS_FEATURED] => Featured Leading [TPL_MAGAZINE_ENTRY_INTRO_POS_HIGHLIGHT] => Category list articles [TPL_MAGAZINE_ENTRY_INTRO_POS_INTRO] => Featured Intro [TPL_MAGAZINE_ENTRY_INTRO_POS_LINKS] => Featured Links [TPL_MAGAZINE_FEATURED_NUM_COLUMNS_DESC] => Number of columns which to show Feature Articles [TPL_MAGAZINE_FEATURED_NUM_COLUMNS_LABEL] => # Featured columns [TPL_MAGAZINE_FEATURED_NUM_LINKS_DESC] => Number of featured links articles [TPL_MAGAZINE_FEATURED_NUM_LINKS_LABEL] => # Featured links articles [TPL_MAGAZINE_HIGHLIGHT_NUM_ARTICLE_DESC] => Number of category articles [TPL_MAGAZINE_HIGHLIGHT_NUM_ARTICLE_LABEL] => # Articles [TPL_MAGAZINE_HIGHLIGHT_NUM_COLUMN_DESC] => Number of columns which to show articles for a category [TPL_MAGAZINE_HIGHLIGHT_NUM_COLUMN_LABEL] => # columns [TPL_MAGAZINE_HIGHLIGHT_SHOW_INTRO_DESC] => Show Intro text in category list articles [TPL_MAGAZINE_HIGHLIGHT_SHOW_INTRO_LABEL] => Article intro text [TPL_MAGAZINE_HOME_CATEGORY_LIST_CONFIG_LABEL] => Configuration for category list [TPL_MAGAZINE_HOME_CONFIG_LABEL] => General Configuration for Magazine Home [TPL_MAGAZINE_HOME_FEATURE_CONFIG_LABEL] => Configuration for Featured articles [TPL_MAGAZINE_HOME_LABEL] => Magazine Home [TPL_MAGAZINE_SUB_CONFIG_LABEL] => Configuration for category layout [TPL_MAGAZINE_SUB_INTRO_POSITION_DESC] => Select positions to show Article Info [TPL_MAGAZINE_SUB_INTRO_POSITION_LABEL] => Article Info positions [TPL_MAGAZINE_SUB_INTRO_POS_INTRO] => Intro [TPL_MAGAZINE_SUB_INTRO_POS_LEADING] => Leading [TPL_MAGAZINE_SUB_INTRO_POS_LINKS] => Links [TPL_MAGAZINE_SUB_LABEL] => Magazine category [TPL_MAGAZINE_SUB_SHOW_INTRO_DESC] => Show Intro Text in category intro articles [TPL_MAGAZINE_SUB_SHOW_INTRO_LABEL] => Show Intro Text [TPL_MENU_ITEM_MASTHEAD_INTRO_DESC] => Add description/slogan for module [TPL_MENU_ITEM_MASTHEAD_SLOGAN_DESC] => Masthead Slogan [TPL_MENU_ITEM_MASTHEAD_SLOGAN_LABEL] => Masthead Slogan [TPL_MENU_ITEM_MASTHEAD_TITLE_DESC] => Masthead Title [TPL_MENU_ITEM_MASTHEAD_TITLE_LABEL] => Masthead Title [TPL_MENU_ITEM_MODULE_INTRO_LABEL] => Mô tả Module [TPL_MOD_ARTICLES_CATEGORY_COLOUMN] => Cột [TPL_MOD_ARTICLES_CATEGORY_COLOUMN_DESC] => Cột [TPL_MOD_ARTICLES_CATEGORY_READ_MORE] => Xem thêm [TPL_MOD_ARTICLES_CATEGORY_READ_MORE_TITLE] => Xem thêm [TPL_MONTH_FORMAT_LC3] => tháng [TPL_NUMBER_IN_GRID_LG] => Items display in LG [TPL_NUMBER_IN_GRID_LG_DESC] => Show items display with width of windows larger than 1200px [TPL_NUMBER_IN_GRID_MD] => Items display in MD [TPL_NUMBER_IN_GRID_MD_DESC] => Show items display with width of windows between 992px and 1200px [TPL_NUMBER_IN_GRID_SM] => Items display in SM [TPL_NUMBER_IN_GRID_SMX] => Items display in SMX [TPL_NUMBER_IN_GRID_SMX_DESC] => Show items display with width of windows between 480px and 768px [TPL_NUMBER_IN_GRID_SM_DESC] => Show items display with width of windows between 768px and 992px [TPL_NUMBER_IN_GRID_XS] => Items display in XS [TPL_NUMBER_IN_GRID_XS_DESC] => Show items display with width of windows smaller than 480px [TPL_ORDER_DIRECTION_ASCENDING_VALUE] => Ascending [TPL_ORDER_DIRECTION_DESC] => Select the direction you would like Articles to beordered by [TPL_ORDER_DIRECTION_DESCENDING_VALUE] => Descending [TPL_ORDER_DIRECTION_LABEL] => Order Direction [TPL_PARENT_CATEGORY] => Danh mục cha [TPL_SHOW_DETAIL_IN_POPUP_DESC] => Show detail in popup [TPL_SHOW_DETAIL_IN_POPUP_LABEL] => Show detail in popup [TPL_SHOW_EMPTY_GROUP_DESC] => Show empty group [TPL_SHOW_EMPTY_GROUP_LABEL] => Show empty group [TPL_SHOW_NAVIGATION_DESC] => Show glossary navigation [TPL_SHOW_NAVIGATION_LABEL] => Show navigation [TPL_SPOTLIGHT_TITLE] => Dịch vụ của chúng tôi [TPL_TAGS] => Tags: [TPL_TM_VARS_ARTICLE_LINEHEIGHT_DESC] => Paragraph line height ( only article detail page ) [TPL_TM_VARS_ARTICLE_LINEHEIGHT_LABEL] => Article line height [TPL_WRITTEN_BY] => Viết bởi [COM_CONTENT_ACCESS_DELETE_DESC] => Kế thừa trang thái hành động xóa trong bài viêt và tính toàn trạng thái cơ bản trong menu được lựa chọn. [COM_CONTENT_ACCESS_EDITSTATE_DESC] => Kế thừa trang thái trong bài viết và tinh toàn trang thái cơ bản trong menu được lựa chọn [COM_CONTENT_ACCESS_EDIT_DESC] => Kế thừa trang thái trong bài viết và tinh toàn trang thái cơ bản trong menu được lựa chọn [COM_CONTENT_ARTICLE_CONTENT] => Content [COM_CONTENT_ARTICLE_HITS] => Lượt xem: %s [COM_CONTENT_ARTICLE_INFO] => Chi tiết [COM_CONTENT_ARTICLE_VOTE_FAILURE] => Bạn đã đánh giá bài này rồi! [COM_CONTENT_ARTICLE_VOTE_SUCCESS] => Cảm ơn bạn đã đánh giá bài này. [COM_CONTENT_AUTHOR_FILTER_LABEL] => Theo Tác giả [COM_CONTENT_CATEGORY] => Chuyên mục: %s [COM_CONTENT_CHECKED_OUT_BY] => Kiểm tra bởi %s [COM_CONTENT_CREATED_DATE] => Ngày tạo [COM_CONTENT_CREATED_DATE_ON] => Được viết: %s [COM_CONTENT_CREATE_ARTICLE] => Gửi bài mới [COM_CONTENT_EDIT_ITEM] => Sửa bài [COM_CONTENT_ERROR_ARTICLE_NOT_FOUND] => Không tìm thấy bài viết [COM_CONTENT_ERROR_LOGIN_TO_VIEW_ARTICLE] => Vui lòng đăng nhập để xem bài viết [COM_CONTENT_ERROR_PARENT_CATEGORY_NOT_FOUND] => Parent category not found [COM_CONTENT_FEED_READMORE] => Xem tiếp... [COM_CONTENT_FIELD_FULL_DESC] => Hình ảnh hiển thị trong bài viết [COM_CONTENT_FIELD_FULL_LABEL] => Hình ảnh đầy đủ trong bài viết [COM_CONTENT_FIELD_IMAGE_ALT_DESC] => Thay thế văn bản được sử dụng cho du khách mà không cần truy cập vào hình ảnh. Thay thế bằng văn bản phụ đề nếu nó hiện diện. [COM_CONTENT_FIELD_IMAGE_ALT_LABEL] => Thuộc tính Alt của hình ảnh [COM_CONTENT_FIELD_IMAGE_CAPTION_DESC] => Chú thích kèm theo hình ảnh [COM_CONTENT_FIELD_IMAGE_CAPTION_LABEL] => chú thích [COM_CONTENT_FIELD_IMAGE_DESC] => Hình ảnh đã được hiển thị [COM_CONTENT_FIELD_INTRO_DESC] => Hình ảnh cho các bố trí văn bản giới thiệu như blog và đặc trưng [COM_CONTENT_FIELD_INTRO_LABEL] => Hình ảnh giới thiệu [COM_CONTENT_FIELD_URLA_LABEL] => Liên kết A [COM_CONTENT_FIELD_URLA_LINK_TEXT_LABEL] => Tiêu đề liên kết A [COM_CONTENT_FIELD_URLB_LABEL] => Liên kết B [COM_CONTENT_FIELD_URLB_LINK_TEXT_LABEL] => Tiêu đề liên kết B [COM_CONTENT_FIELD_URLC_LABEL] => Liên kết C [COM_CONTENT_FIELD_URLC_LINK_TEXT_LABEL] => Tiêu đề liên kết C [COM_CONTENT_FIELD_URL_DESC] => Link hiển thị. Bạn cần phải nhập đầy đủ đường dẫn URL. [COM_CONTENT_FIELD_URL_LINK_TEXT_DESC] => Hiển thị text cho link [COM_CONTENT_FIELD_URL_LINK_TEXT_LABEL] => Tiêu đề của liên kết [COM_CONTENT_FILTER_SEARCH_DESC] => Tìm chọn lọc nội dung [COM_CONTENT_FLOAT_DESC] => Điều khiển vị trí của hình ảnh [COM_CONTENT_FLOAT_FULLTEXT_LABEL] => Vị trí đấy đủ của text hình ảnh [COM_CONTENT_FLOAT_INTRO_LABEL] => Vị trí của ảnh giới thiệu [COM_CONTENT_FLOAT_LABEL] => Vị trí của ảnh [COM_CONTENT_FORM_EDIT_ARTICLE] => Sửa bài [COM_CONTENT_HEADING_TITLE] => Tựa đề [COM_CONTENT_HITS_FILTER_LABEL] => Theo Lượt xem [COM_CONTENT_IMAGES_AND_URLS] => Hình ảnh và liên kết [COM_CONTENT_INTROTEXT] => Bài viết phải có nội dung [COM_CONTENT_INVALID_RATING] => Đánh giá bài viết không hợp lệ: %s [COM_CONTENT_LAST_UPDATED] => Cập nhật lần cuối: %s [COM_CONTENT_LEFT] => Phải [COM_CONTENT_METADATA] => Siêu dữ liệu (Metadata) [COM_CONTENT_MODIFIED_DATE] => Ngày chỉnh sửa [COM_CONTENT_MONTH] => Tháng [COM_CONTENT_MORE_ARTICLES] => Các bài khác... [COM_CONTENT_NEW_ARTICLE] => Các bài mới [COM_CONTENT_NONE] => None [COM_CONTENT_NO_ARTICLES] => Không có bài nào trong mục này. Nếu có các mục con được hiển thị, chúng sẽ có bài viết trong đó. [COM_CONTENT_NUM_ITEMS] => Số bài viết: [COM_CONTENT_ON_NEW_CONTENT] => Một bài viết mới được gửi bởi ' %1$s' - ' %2$s'. [COM_CONTENT_ORDERING] => Thứ tự:
    Mặc định bài mới được xếp ở vị trí đầu trong Chuyên mục. Thứ tự này có thể thay đổi trong Back-end. [COM_CONTENT_PAGEBREAK_DOC_TITLE] => Ngắt trang [COM_CONTENT_PAGEBREAK_INSERT_BUTTON] => Chèn ngắt trang [COM_CONTENT_PAGEBREAK_TITLE] => Tựa đề trang: [COM_CONTENT_PAGEBREAK_TOC] => Mục lục: [COM_CONTENT_PARENT] => Chuyên mục chính: %s [COM_CONTENT_PUBLISHED_DATE] => Ngày đăng [COM_CONTENT_PUBLISHED_DATE_ON] => Được đăng: %s [COM_CONTENT_PUBLISHING] => Đăng bài [COM_CONTENT_READ_MORE] => Xem thêm: [COM_CONTENT_READ_MORE_TITLE] => Xem tiếp... [COM_CONTENT_REGISTER_TO_READ_MORE] => Đăng ký để xem tiếp... [COM_CONTENT_RIGHT] => Trái [COM_CONTENT_SAVE_SUCCESS] => Bài viết đã được lưu [COM_CONTENT_SELECT_AN_ARTICLE] => Chọn một Bài viết [COM_CONTENT_SUBMIT_SAVE_SUCCESS] => Bài viết đã được gửi [COM_CONTENT_TITLE_FILTER_LABEL] => Theo Tựa đề [COM_CONTENT_WRITTEN_BY] => Viết bởi %s ) [used:protected] => Array ( ) [counter:protected] => 17 [override:protected] => Array ( ) [transliterator:protected] => Array ( [0] => vi_VNLocalise [1] => transliterate ) [pluralSuffixesCallback:protected] => Array ( [0] => vi_VNLocalise [1] => getPluralSuffixes ) [ignoredSearchWordsCallback:protected] => Array ( [0] => vi_VNLocalise [1] => getIgnoredSearchWords ) [lowerLimitSearchWordCallback:protected] => Array ( [0] => vi_VNLocalise [1] => getLowerLimitSearchWord ) [upperLimitSearchWordCallback:protected] => Array ( [0] => vi_VNLocalise [1] => getUpperLimitSearchWord ) [searchDisplayedCharactersNumberCallback:protected] => Array ( [0] => vi_VNLocalise [1] => getSearchDisplayedCharactersNumber ) ) [session:protected] => JSession Object ( [_state:protected] => active [_expire:protected] => 30000 [_store:protected] => JSessionStorageDatabase Object ( ) [_security:protected] => Array ( [0] => fix_browser ) [_force_ssl:protected] => [storeName:protected] => database [_input:JSession:private] => JInput Object ( [options:protected] => Array ( ) [filter:protected] => JFilterInput Object ( [tagsArray] => Array ( ) [attrArray] => Array ( ) [tagsMethod] => 0 [attrMethod] => 0 [xssAuto] => 1 [tagBlacklist] => Array ( [0] => applet [1] => body [2] => bgsound [3] => base [4] => basefont [5] => embed [6] => frame [7] => frameset [8] => head [9] => html [10] => id [11] => iframe [12] => ilayer [13] => layer [14] => link [15] => meta [16] => name [17] => object [18] => script [19] => style [20] => title [21] => xml ) [attrBlacklist] => Array ( [0] => action [1] => background [2] => codebase [3] => dynsrc [4] => lowsrc ) ) [data:protected] => Array ( [format] => jpg [Itemid] => 435 [option] => com_content [view] => category [id] => 0 [lang] => images ) [inputs:protected] => Array ( [cookie] => JInputCookie Object ( [options:protected] => Array ( ) [filter:protected] => JFilterInput Object ( [tagsArray] => Array ( ) [attrArray] => Array ( ) [tagsMethod] => 0 [attrMethod] => 0 [xssAuto] => 1 [tagBlacklist] => Array ( [0] => applet [1] => body [2] => bgsound [3] => base [4] => basefont [5] => embed [6] => frame [7] => frameset [8] => head [9] => html [10] => id [11] => iframe [12] => ilayer [13] => layer [14] => link [15] => meta [16] => name [17] => object [18] => script [19] => style [20] => title [21] => xml ) [attrBlacklist] => Array ( [0] => action [1] => background [2] => codebase [3] => dynsrc [4] => lowsrc ) ) [data:protected] => Array ( ) [inputs:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [_dispatcher:JSession:private] => JEventDispatcher Object ( [_observers:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [event] => onAfterSessionStart [handler] => Array ( [0] => JApplicationSite Object *RECURSION* [1] => afterSessionStart ) ) [1] => PlgSystemLanguageFilter Object ( [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [detect_browser] => 0 [automatic_change] => 1 [item_associations] => 1 [remove_default_prefix] => 1 [lang_cookie] => 0 [alternate_meta] => 0 ) ) [_name:protected] => languagefilter [_type:protected] => system [autoloadLanguage:protected] => [_subject:protected] => JEventDispatcher Object *RECURSION* [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) ) [2] => plgSystemT3 Object ( [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( ) ) [_name:protected] => t3 [_type:protected] => system [autoloadLanguage:protected] => [_subject:protected] => JEventDispatcher Object *RECURSION* [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) ) [3] => plgSystemjatabs Object ( [style_default] => [_plgCode] => #{(.*?)jatabs(.*?)}#i [_body] => [_styles] => [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [disable_tab] => 0 [style] => anion [position] => top [width] => 100% [height] => auto [widthTabs] => 100% [heightTabs] => 30 [view] => introtext [jaclass] => [duration] => 1000 [animType] => animMoveVir [skipAnim] => false [mouseType] => click ) ) [_name:protected] => jatabs [_type:protected] => system [autoloadLanguage:protected] => [_subject:protected] => JEventDispatcher Object *RECURSION* [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) ) [4] => plgSystemRegacymailing Object ( [option] => [view] => [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( ) ) [_name:protected] => regacymailing [_type:protected] => system [autoloadLanguage:protected] => [_subject:protected] => JEventDispatcher Object *RECURSION* [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) ) [5] => plgSystemCreativecontactform Object ( [_plugin:plgSystemCreativecontactform:private] => stdClass Object ( [type] => system [name] => creativecontactform [params] => {} ) [_params:plgSystemCreativecontactform:private] => stdClass Object ( ) [plg_order:plgSystemCreativecontactform:private] => [params] => [_name:protected] => [_type:protected] => [autoloadLanguage:protected] => [_subject:protected] => JEventDispatcher Object *RECURSION* [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) ) [6] => plgSystemVian_VietAlias Object ( [layout] => [option] => [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [active_on] => 1 [active_on_specific] => com_content,com_categories,com_menus,com_banners,com_contact,com_newsfeeds,com_weblinks,com_k2 [auto_complete] => 1 [auto_complete_on_specific] => com_content,com_menus,com_k2,... ) ) [_name:protected] => vian_vietalias [_type:protected] => system [autoloadLanguage:protected] => [_subject:protected] => JEventDispatcher Object *RECURSION* [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) ) [7] => PlgSystemP3p Object ( [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [headers] => NOI ADM DEV PSAi COM NAV OUR OTRo STP IND DEM ) ) [_name:protected] => p3p [_type:protected] => system [autoloadLanguage:protected] => [_subject:protected] => JEventDispatcher Object *RECURSION* [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) ) [8] => PlgSystemLogout Object ( [autoloadLanguage:protected] => 1 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( ) ) [_name:protected] => logout [_type:protected] => system [_subject:protected] => JEventDispatcher Object *RECURSION* [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) ) [9] => PlgSystemDebug Object ( [linkFormat:protected] => [debugLang:PlgSystemDebug:private] => 0 [logEntries:PlgSystemDebug:private] => Array ( ) [sqlShowProfiles:PlgSystemDebug:private] => Array ( ) [sqlShowProfileEach:PlgSystemDebug:private] => Array ( ) [explains:PlgSystemDebug:private] => Array ( ) [totalQueries:PlgSystemDebug:private] => 0 [app:protected] => JApplicationSite Object *RECURSION* [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [profile] => 1 [queries] => 1 [memory] => 1 [language_files] => 1 [language_strings] => 1 [strip-first] => 1 [strip-prefix] => [strip-suffix] => ) ) [_name:protected] => debug [_type:protected] => system [autoloadLanguage:protected] => [_subject:protected] => JEventDispatcher Object *RECURSION* [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) ) [10] => PlgSystemLog Object ( [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( ) ) [_name:protected] => log [_type:protected] => system [autoloadLanguage:protected] => [_subject:protected] => JEventDispatcher Object *RECURSION* [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) ) [11] => PlgSystemRemember Object ( [app:protected] => JApplicationSite Object *RECURSION* [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( ) ) [_name:protected] => remember [_type:protected] => system [autoloadLanguage:protected] => [_subject:protected] => JEventDispatcher Object *RECURSION* [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) ) [12] => PlgSystemHighlight Object ( [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( ) ) [_name:protected] => highlight [_type:protected] => system [autoloadLanguage:protected] => [_subject:protected] => JEventDispatcher Object *RECURSION* [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) ) [13] => PlgSystemSef Object ( [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( ) ) [_name:protected] => sef [_type:protected] => system [autoloadLanguage:protected] => [_subject:protected] => JEventDispatcher Object *RECURSION* [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [_state:protected] => [_methods:protected] => Array ( [onaftersessionstart] => Array ( [0] => 0 ) [onafterinitialise] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 7 [3] => 11 ) [buildrule] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [parserule] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [onuserbeforesave] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 4 ) [onuseraftersave] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 4 ) [onuserlogin] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [onafterdispatch] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 6 [2] => 9 [3] => 12 ) [onafterroute] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => 3 [2] => 4 [3] => 13 ) [onbeforerender] => Array ( [0] => 2 ) [onbeforecompilehead] => Array ( [0] => 2 ) [onafterrender] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => 3 [2] => 4 [3] => 5 [4] => 13 ) [oncontentprepareform] => Array ( [0] => 2 ) [onextensionaftersave] => Array ( [0] => 2 ) [onrendermodule] => Array ( [0] => 2 ) [ongetlayoutpath] => Array ( [0] => 2 ) [oncontentprepare] => Array ( [0] => 2 ) [removecode] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [stylesheet] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [jatabs_replacer_direct] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [parsetabcontent] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [wirenttabcontent] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [parsetabmodules] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [parsetabmodule] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [parsetabarticle] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [writetabs] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [getlist] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [getpattern] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [getsubpattern] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [parseparams] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [plgsystemregacymailing] => Array ( [0] => 4 ) [onbeforestoreuser] => Array ( [0] => 4 ) [onafterstoreuser] => Array ( [0] => 4 ) [onuserafterdelete] => Array ( [0] => 4 ) [onafterdeleteuser] => Array ( [0] => 4 ) [onextreguseractivate] => Array ( [0] => 4 ) [onextreguserapprove] => Array ( [0] => 4 ) [ccf_make_form] => Array ( [0] => 5 ) [render_styles_scripts] => Array ( [0] => 5 ) [ccf_get_types_array] => Array ( [0] => 5 ) [onuserlogout] => Array ( [0] => 8 [1] => 11 ) [handleerror] => Array ( [0] => 8 ) [__destruct] => Array ( [0] => 9 ) [mysqldisconnecthandler] => Array ( [0] => 9 ) [logger] => Array ( [0] => 9 ) [onuserloginfailure] => Array ( [0] => 10 ) ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [response:protected] => stdClass Object ( [cachable] => [headers] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => P3P [value] => CP="NOI ADM DEV PSAi COM NAV OUR OTRo STP IND DEM" ) [1] => Array ( [name] => status [value] => 404 View not found [name, type, prefix]: category, jpg, contentView ) ) [body] => Array ( [0] => 404 - lỗi: 404

    View not found [name, type, prefix]: category, jpg, contentView

    Vui lòng thử một trong các trang sau:

    Trang chủ
    ) ) [dispatcher:protected] => JEventDispatcher Object ( [_observers:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [event] => onAfterSessionStart [handler] => Array ( [0] => JApplicationSite Object *RECURSION* [1] => afterSessionStart ) ) [1] => PlgSystemLanguageFilter Object ( [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [detect_browser] => 0 [automatic_change] => 1 [item_associations] => 1 [remove_default_prefix] => 1 [lang_cookie] => 0 [alternate_meta] => 0 ) ) [_name:protected] => languagefilter [_type:protected] => system [autoloadLanguage:protected] => [_subject:protected] => JEventDispatcher Object *RECURSION* [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) ) [2] => plgSystemT3 Object ( [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( ) ) [_name:protected] => t3 [_type:protected] => system [autoloadLanguage:protected] => [_subject:protected] => JEventDispatcher Object *RECURSION* [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) ) [3] => plgSystemjatabs Object ( [style_default] => [_plgCode] => #{(.*?)jatabs(.*?)}#i [_body] => [_styles] => [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [disable_tab] => 0 [style] => anion [position] => top [width] => 100% [height] => auto [widthTabs] => 100% [heightTabs] => 30 [view] => introtext [jaclass] => [duration] => 1000 [animType] => animMoveVir [skipAnim] => false [mouseType] => click ) ) [_name:protected] => jatabs [_type:protected] => system [autoloadLanguage:protected] => [_subject:protected] => JEventDispatcher Object *RECURSION* [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) ) [4] => plgSystemRegacymailing Object ( [option] => [view] => [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( ) ) [_name:protected] => regacymailing [_type:protected] => system [autoloadLanguage:protected] => [_subject:protected] => JEventDispatcher Object *RECURSION* [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) ) [5] => plgSystemCreativecontactform Object ( [_plugin:plgSystemCreativecontactform:private] => stdClass Object ( [type] => system [name] => creativecontactform [params] => {} ) [_params:plgSystemCreativecontactform:private] => stdClass Object ( ) [plg_order:plgSystemCreativecontactform:private] => [params] => [_name:protected] => [_type:protected] => [autoloadLanguage:protected] => [_subject:protected] => JEventDispatcher Object *RECURSION* [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) ) [6] => plgSystemVian_VietAlias Object ( [layout] => [option] => [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [active_on] => 1 [active_on_specific] => com_content,com_categories,com_menus,com_banners,com_contact,com_newsfeeds,com_weblinks,com_k2 [auto_complete] => 1 [auto_complete_on_specific] => com_content,com_menus,com_k2,... ) ) [_name:protected] => vian_vietalias [_type:protected] => system [autoloadLanguage:protected] => [_subject:protected] => JEventDispatcher Object *RECURSION* [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) ) [7] => PlgSystemP3p Object ( [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [headers] => NOI ADM DEV PSAi COM NAV OUR OTRo STP IND DEM ) ) [_name:protected] => p3p [_type:protected] => system [autoloadLanguage:protected] => [_subject:protected] => JEventDispatcher Object *RECURSION* [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) ) [8] => PlgSystemLogout Object ( [autoloadLanguage:protected] => 1 [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( ) ) [_name:protected] => logout [_type:protected] => system [_subject:protected] => JEventDispatcher Object *RECURSION* [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) ) [9] => PlgSystemDebug Object ( [linkFormat:protected] => [debugLang:PlgSystemDebug:private] => 0 [logEntries:PlgSystemDebug:private] => Array ( ) [sqlShowProfiles:PlgSystemDebug:private] => Array ( ) [sqlShowProfileEach:PlgSystemDebug:private] => Array ( ) [explains:PlgSystemDebug:private] => Array ( ) [totalQueries:PlgSystemDebug:private] => 0 [app:protected] => JApplicationSite Object *RECURSION* [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( [profile] => 1 [queries] => 1 [memory] => 1 [language_files] => 1 [language_strings] => 1 [strip-first] => 1 [strip-prefix] => [strip-suffix] => ) ) [_name:protected] => debug [_type:protected] => system [autoloadLanguage:protected] => [_subject:protected] => JEventDispatcher Object *RECURSION* [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) ) [10] => PlgSystemLog Object ( [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( ) ) [_name:protected] => log [_type:protected] => system [autoloadLanguage:protected] => [_subject:protected] => JEventDispatcher Object *RECURSION* [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) ) [11] => PlgSystemRemember Object ( [app:protected] => JApplicationSite Object *RECURSION* [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( ) ) [_name:protected] => remember [_type:protected] => system [autoloadLanguage:protected] => [_subject:protected] => JEventDispatcher Object *RECURSION* [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) ) [12] => PlgSystemHighlight Object ( [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( ) ) [_name:protected] => highlight [_type:protected] => system [autoloadLanguage:protected] => [_subject:protected] => JEventDispatcher Object *RECURSION* [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) ) [13] => PlgSystemSef Object ( [params] => Joomla\Registry\Registry Object ( [data:protected] => stdClass Object ( ) ) [_name:protected] => sef [_type:protected] => system [autoloadLanguage:protected] => [_subject:protected] => JEventDispatcher Object *RECURSION* [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [_state:protected] => [_methods:protected] => Array ( [onaftersessionstart] => Array ( [0] => 0 ) [onafterinitialise] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 7 [3] => 11 ) [buildrule] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [parserule] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [onuserbeforesave] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 4 ) [onuseraftersave] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 4 ) [onuserlogin] => Array ( [0] => 1 ) [onafterdispatch] => Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 6 [2] => 9 [3] => 12 ) [onafterroute] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => 3 [2] => 4 [3] => 13 ) [onbeforerender] => Array ( [0] => 2 ) [onbeforecompilehead] => Array ( [0] => 2 ) [onafterrender] => Array ( [0] => 2 [1] => 3 [2] => 4 [3] => 5 [4] => 13 ) [oncontentprepareform] => Array ( [0] => 2 ) [onextensionaftersave] => Array ( [0] => 2 ) [onrendermodule] => Array ( [0] => 2 ) [ongetlayoutpath] => Array ( [0] => 2 ) [oncontentprepare] => Array ( [0] => 2 ) [removecode] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [stylesheet] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [jatabs_replacer_direct] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [parsetabcontent] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [wirenttabcontent] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [parsetabmodules] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [parsetabmodule] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [parsetabarticle] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [writetabs] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [getlist] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [getpattern] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [getsubpattern] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [parseparams] => Array ( [0] => 3 ) [plgsystemregacymailing] => Array ( [0] => 4 ) [onbeforestoreuser] => Array ( [0] => 4 ) [onafterstoreuser] => Array ( [0] => 4 ) [onuserafterdelete] => Array ( [0] => 4 ) [onafterdeleteuser] => Array ( [0] => 4 ) [onextreguseractivate] => Array ( [0] => 4 ) [onextreguserapprove] => Array ( [0] => 4 ) [ccf_make_form] => Array ( [0] => 5 ) [render_styles_scripts] => Array ( [0] => 5 ) [ccf_get_types_array] => Array ( [0] => 5 ) [onuserlogout] => Array ( [0] => 8 [1] => 11 ) [handleerror] => Array ( [0] => 8 ) [__destruct] => Array ( [0] => 9 ) [mysqldisconnecthandler] => Array ( [0] => 9 ) [logger] => Array ( [0] => 9 ) [onuserloginfailure] => Array ( [0] => 10 ) ) [_errors:protected] => Array ( ) ) [identity:protected] => [input] => JInput Object ( [options:protected] => Array ( ) [filter:protected] => JFilterInput Object ( [tagsArray] => Array ( ) [attrArray] => Array ( ) [tagsMethod] => 0 [attrMethod] => 0 [xssAuto] => 1 [tagBlacklist] => Array ( [0] => applet [1] => body [2] => bgsound [3] => base [4] => basefont [5] => embed [6] => frame [7] => frameset [8] => head [9] => html [10] => id [11] => iframe [12] => ilayer [13] => layer [14] => link [15] => meta [16] => name [17] => object [18] => script [19] => style [20] => title [21] => xml ) [attrBlacklist] => Array ( [0] => action [1] => background [2] => codebase [3] => dynsrc [4] => lowsrc ) ) [data:protected] => Array ( [format] => jpg [Itemid] => 435 [option] => com_content [view] => category [id] => 0 [lang] => images ) [inputs:protected] => Array ( [cookie] => JInputCookie Object ( [options:protected] => Array ( ) [filter:protected] => JFilterInput Object ( [tagsArray] => Array ( ) [attrArray] => Array ( ) [tagsMethod] => 0 [attrMethod] => 0 [xssAuto] => 1 [tagBlacklist] => Array ( [0] => applet [1] => body [2] => bgsound [3] => base [4] => basefont [5] => embed [6] => frame [7] => frameset [8] => head [9] => html [10] => id [11] => iframe [12] => ilayer [13] => layer [14] => link [15] => meta [16] => name [17] => object [18] => script [19] => style [20] => title [21] => xml ) [attrBlacklist] => Array ( [0] => action [1] => background [2] => codebase [3] => dynsrc [4] => lowsrc ) ) [data:protected] => Array ( ) [inputs:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) ) [item_associations] => 1 )